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WIP - Environmental Visual Enhancements Development


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Development looks good...anything I should know about this WIP release that isn't readily apparent by the 30 pages and the OP? I'm running Linux KSPx64. Will 3rd party cloud/aurora configs break the s**t out of this? Is there anything I can help test? I see the x64 version of the overhaul is 24 days old.

Thanks rbray!


Edit: Can't get clouds to appear in 1.0.2 x64 on linux. WHen using Alt+E I am getting GUI NRE's (EVEManager.GenericEVEManager.DrawGUI)

Edited by jstnj
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Last version works very well for me. (Note: I'm not using atmos ATM)

I've found just one bug: all atmo and cloud layers disappear if you set any of those layers as "Shadow = False"

Would be great to be able to disable the shadows in the future, for purposes such as auroras and so on.

Many thanks Rbray, this is as good as always.

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After a bit of fiddling, i managed to get a setup that I liked with the atmosphere. I wasn't a huge fan of the red morning/evening and that you couldn't see the sky at night.

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But is there any way to lessen the

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without affecting the view from the ground. I'm guessing not.

Anyway, thanks for the great mods rbray. :)

Edited by Chimer4
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Hi guys, just reporting in, some days back, I had tried EVE on my testing KSP, and things went crazy, several errors, all of the parts somehow got missing.

Tried again today, things seem alright now, here are some pics:

screenshot_2015_05_23_14_48_02.png screenshot_2015_05_23_14_52_04.png screenshot_2015_05_23_14_52_17.png screenshot_2015_05_23_14_58_30.png screenshot_2015_05_23_14_59_19.png

At first I thought, "what is that bloody sky?" than I noticed it was actually sunset and not some terrible curse that befalled Kerbin.:confused:

The atmosphere cube is still there, though seems better, also that radial bug (circle lines in the dark side of Kerbin) seems solved. The fourth picture shows apparent no performance drop, though I don't know why is settled at 25fr.

screenshot_2015_05_23_15_18_52.png screenshot_2015_05_23_15_19_36.jpg

Now this one presents a little graphical oddity due to transparent water, not fitting well with the horizon. And finally the last one, doesn't this Mun seems brighter than usual?

That's it, just though I drop in here my test run. New version coming along nicely, so thank you and Cheers!

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  Gfurst said:

Now this one presents a little graphical oddity due to transparent water, not fitting well with the horizon. And finally the last one, doesn't this Mun seems brighter than usual?

It appears that the brighter than normal moon is due to the terrain from EVE. If you hit ALT+E and go to the moon and the terrain manager, you can delete that layer to get back the normal looking moon

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Rbray, excuse me if this is an ignorant/dumb question, but I was wondering... do you use the mipmaps in the cloud scattering?

Now that DDS format is almost standard I was thinking if could be possible to make bigger/faster/smoother the procedural cloud area, by using the smallest particle mipmaps for the far particles.

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  rbray89 said:
So... I'm back.

I want to first apologize to anyone/everyone about disappearing like that. I don't handle pressure well, and after getting so much attention from my mods it started to overwhelm me. I had to take a break, and the only way I could stop thinking about it was to get away. This was supposed to be a relaxing hobby, but turned into something like an obsession. Hopefully I'll manage better this time around. Don't be too surprised if you don't see much of me aside from once or twice a week as I try to keep things balanced.

I uploaded a new version on Github today... It is a new atmospheric model, and it should have (nearly) all the params needed to tune the atmosphere to perfection. Some things I have not implemented or tuned fully myself (few more params to come, along with scattering and sunsets), and I plan to make a few more improvements to the clouds, ocean and terrain. The new version of Unity is fantastic in that I can actually use the depth buffer (unity 5 acts like pro for everyone. They just changed the licensing terms) so it allows me to test and debug the shaders MUCH faster than I had ever been able to in the past.

Thank you all for the support and your well-wishes. Now Lets make KSP beautiful.

P.S. You can reach me over in reddit as waka324.

P.P.S I've been aiding blacktrack whenever I can with their new scatter mod. It is absolutely gorgeous, and honestly, that is what I was hoping for with this atmosphere model.

Hey, great to see you back at it! No pressure intended, we can sure survive without you if you need a break, but let me tell you, you are a sight for sore eyes. Now let's hope thing go perfectly well and we have a gorgeous, stable kerbin soon!

Rune. Have some rep as appreciation in the meantime!

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  Proot said:
Rbray, excuse me if this is an ignorant/dumb question, but I was wondering... do you use the mipmaps in the cloud scattering?

Now that DDS format is almost standard I was thinking if could be possible to make bigger/faster/smoother the procedural cloud area, by using the smallest particle mipmaps for the far particles.

I agree, this would be nice and might allow for further render distances without cpu usage, maybe some method of rendering very low res billboards in the distance.

I was wondering if this would be possible with terrain scatters too so you could have large dense forests etc.

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Very happy to see this being rebooted, loved this mod and everything about it.

Here are some bugs-

Kerbol (the sun) appears like a huge red splodge in the sky.

The water is VERY blue and transparent.

At around ten kilometres the vehicle flips out and the viewpoint moves about erratically (Kraken?). Fixed by switching vessels (Could be caused by the Phoenix CRS mod, but I doubt it).

No visible scatter effect.

Clouds are not visible from main menus.

Apart from that everything seems fine, the map view is BEAUTIFUL.

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  Hoddd9000 said:
Very happy to see this being rebooted, loved this mod and everything about it.

Here are some bugs-

Kerbol (the sun) appears like a huge red splodge in the sky.

The water is VERY blue and transparent.

At around ten kilometres the vehicle flips out and the viewpoint moves about erratically (Kraken?). Fixed by switching vessels (Could be caused by the Phoenix CRS mod, but I doubt it).

No visible scatter effect.

Clouds are not visible from main menus.

Apart from that everything seems fine, the map view is BEAUTIFUL.

All of these are known issues, or configurable (mentioned in OP). As to your vehicle flipping out, are you sure it's a mod glitch? It might be caused by aerodynamics. If that isn't the case, I suggest you uninstall all mods except EVE and see if the problem persists. It's always a good idea to remove all mods except the one in question when reporting bugs about it ;)

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  Hoddd9000 said:
Very happy to see this being rebooted, loved this mod and everything about it.

Here are some bugs-

At around ten kilometres the vehicle flips out and the viewpoint moves about erratically (Kraken?). Fixed by switching vessels (Could be caused by the Phoenix CRS mod, but I doubt it).

that was happening to me because of realchutes and sdhi docking ports.it was resolved for me with the latest sdhi experimental download. generally speaking I was told that this happens cause of

realchute being incompatible with some mod that it is dependant on it.

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Grabbed the dev build recently because optics, whom are pretty pretty :D, but please have a look at this screen:


Dunno yet if its just the sunrise overlay, but there is something wrong with the texture layer...

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  Tyren said:
Grabbed the dev build recently because optics, whom are pretty pretty :D, but please have a look at this screen:


Dunno yet if its just the sunrise overlay, but there is something wrong with the texture layer...

I think the problem here is EVE's atmosphere shader is loading behind the stock AtmosphereFromGround layer.

rbray: I also noticed two other things; one being that changing the atmosphere's height doesn't change the sunset aspect which remains very high still. Also that the GUI in the latest build is a little bugged, some of the text is half covered up for the atmosphere section of the editor GUI variables.

Oh btw none of the terrain variables appear to have any effect when changed.

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