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The Destroyer

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I think this probably goes here. This is a place to show your story, and I will show mine, including a past you may not have known :wink:

You probably thought I joined in Aug 2012, like my user desc says.

I didn't.

I originally joined back when the forums weren't even in vBulletin, back in the good old 0.14.3 era. It was one user.


Coming from the Minecraft forum, I wasn't exactly a good of user as I should've been, I didn't captialize properly, and expected instant answers to threads. I developed stupid mods like cfg edits "creeper corp". One good thing I did do was bring the Google picture war over here.

Why am I TD now?

Good question. To be honest, I ask that myself. I don't remember why (probably due to my attitude at the time) got infractions, and eventually got muted. I originally created a joke account "shhhilent1" long before, so I used that. Eventually I found out I was banned.

Heck, just telling you that I had two previous accounts might get me banned, but maybe it was long enough ago. I don't know. Anyway, a friend kept me up to date with the latest mods, including DYJs crewtank.

Then vBulletian happened. I saw I could view the forum, and came on as you know me, The Destroyer. Took inspiration from Terraria. I'm not sure if it was the ban or just aging, but I came back a better forum member.

You probably started to know me in the "Bobcat Golden Age". I was a tester there. Perhaps your favourite :wink: I admit, I really just joined to play with the parts. When I got it, I played with it, and I wasn't sure how to test, they were flawless. I miss the good old bobcat mods, especially the MK5 Ant. I told you about progress, and shared videos and screenshots. I was more or less PR and not a tester :P

Eventually, I tried taking on mods. Real mods, not cfg edits. Back on my old rig, I tried to make a single part FAR 100 ton lifter. It was so ugly. But hey, it was my first mod.

I then became pretty much a normal KSP forum member, but I tried to take inspiration from Danny and summoned the Kraken... a lot. I made a stickyed "Nooby-how-to!" guide, that vanished in the forum Wipe.

As for recent times, you probably know me from when I made a little sound overhaul mod :) I discontinued it as I generally have a hard time finding good sounds and tuning them for KSP. I gotta hand it to KW though, their sounds are excelent!

Back to me. Since then, I haven't really done anything ground breaking. My youtube channel continues to get views and has reached over 100 subscribers.

That's my story. What's yours?

Now, go ahead, tell yours!

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No real story here yet... still a total noob to these forums and KSP. If I did have a story, it would be that I was (still am) a big fan of Celestia (now soon to be Celestia.Sci). I 'discovered' KSP by shear fluke... my cousin's son plays KSP and used it for a project in school... it was her mention of his project and my review of it that got me interested. I downloaded the demo, played for a few hours - and from then on I was doomed. lol

I find KSP tons of fun and quite a challenge... even those moments of utter hair-pulling frustration. I would love to see what Celestia IS incorporated into KSP. I know the Devs have likely heard this many times before (I read the forums), but I believe it could be done - multiplayer KSP. Where there's a will, there is a way. I have ideas. If the Devs ever get around to such a thing, I'll throw them their way... until then however, I'll stay on their good side lol.

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I joined this forum as Sun after the Kraken Attack, which I was not here for, and usually kept a pretty quiet life on these forums. Then I came into the Forum Games. Then came my first phase of mud, in July 2014. Then a phase of no mud. Then I returned to the mud in early September. Then, I shut down my mud for a week at Red Iron Crown's request. Then I spilled over... into my Third Reich Phase, in which I got my username changed to MrMuddyBoots. Which increased my mud content through the rest of fall until a few hours ago, when I got a notice from a moderator threatening to revert my name change. And that was the end of my mud phases, just like the defeat of the Axis was the end of Germany's empires.

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My story is fairly bland; I was part of a forum about a Minecraft mod that lets you explore the star system(currently only the Moon, Mars, and the Asteroid Belt are included), and part of the community was from Kerbal Space Program. I then got intrigued, and checked out the game. Needless to say, I got hooked and now here I am.

Then I spilled over... into my Third Reich Phase, [...]

Oh God, I understood that reference. But then, who here wouldn't?

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I got ksp. I did nothing for a while. I found a thread about the duna SSTV and made an account t post in it. turns out that was necroing it. anyway I didn't get banned probably because it was literally my first post. then nothing much happened. until I found the forum games. then I got my sig (deleted by mods for having 5 MB or something). so after that I didn't really do much.

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I signed up to complete a challenge that I have still not attempted. I posted around, made a forum game that got 10 pages of replies, then I didn't do much. This was around September last year. Then, in December/January, I inquired about Moderator openings, but new recruits weren't needed at the time. I was told to come back in 4 months, which I did, I had an "interview" through IRC, then I was accepted, became green, became known as Modkip! I also have a forum game with 100 pages, which may or may not be still alive!

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