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Advancing in career mode

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Recently decided to install KSP again to see whats new and well.. There is lot of new stuff! Anyways decided to sart in career mode so I don't build something err... big and... disastrous at the start :D

I've now visited mun and minmus and done some science near kerbin of course. Now I'm wondering what to do next? I still don't have atomic engine for long range travels nor I don't think I've enough modules unlocked for landing to near planets. So how should I continue after conquering mun and minmus?

I still have money but need more science to unlock more juicy modules :( What should I try next with my kind limited resources? Any tips?

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LV-N's make interplanetary easier, but they aren't compulsory. Set up some orbital refuelling stations and you can do it with conventional engines.

I'd highly recommend trying the Fine Print mod. It's due to be integrated into stock in the next update anyway, and it adds a lot more variety to the contracts, especially around Kerbin. Launching some satellites or space stations would give you the science you're after.

If you must stay stock, launch a lab/lander/fuel combo to the Mun. Leave the lab and fuel in orbit, and use the lander to pop down to every biome, refuelling and cleaning your science gear at the lab in between each hop.

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For science, farm minmus, an single lander can gather all science from it, it even make some sense to try to unlock the science parts first. The gravity detector gives a lot of science. Also the area where the east/ west canyon intercept an crater have 7 biomes inside a few km, perfect place for an rover.

This two missions will fill out your science tree and can be combined with flag planting missions.

Remember to have the science equipment on the return rocket, they are expensive so you want to recover them.

Else do in flight test using probes many of them give a lot of science. Launched straight up they will land back on spaceport for recovery.

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Be advised that Minmus has 9 (!) biomes and the Mun has 15 (!!). IF you've only landed the once on each moon, then you can go back and get more science from the other biomes.

Additionally, you can use Strategies (in the Administration building) to further boost your science gains.

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Start out simple and go step by step. Land in different areas of Kerbal to collect soil samples, observe Goo, and reports. You can even do this research from the launch pad and runway. Do selective contracts to gain funds and science points awards. Combine contracts with various missions to gather additional funds and science points. When you get the Explore Mun, Minmus, etc... contracts, wait until you have unlocked the Stayputnik, Ox Stat, and Too Hot Thermometer. Then fulfill the contract with it placing the probe back into orbit to fulfill future requests for data from orbit. If you need to get the Science to unlock those needed items, do some manned flyby and orbits to gather the required science. You don't need big complex rockets for those missions especially if they can be done by probes that don't need to return.

Early tech examples;

Mun or Minmus flyby


Mun Minmus contract landers.


Early Mun Minmus lander


Replace the manned pod with the Kerputnk and it can be sent to fulfill a Duna and Eve contract.

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Be advised that Minmus has 9 (!) biomes and the Mun has 15 (!!). IF you've only landed the once on each moon, then you can go back and get more science from the other biomes.

Well yeah, I've visited both moons just once and took science samples from the landing site so I guess there is some more science waiting to be gathered then

Additionally, you can use Strategies (in the Administration building) to further boost your science gains.

I have "unpaid research program" active from administrating building, didn't notice other plans which would give science

For science, farm minmus, an single lander can gather all science from it, it even make some sense to try to unlock the science parts first. The gravity detector gives a lot of science. Also the area where the east/ west canyon intercept an crater have 7 biomes inside a few km, perfect place for an rover.

Is there some complete list of science equipment I should fit to my rockets to gather more science? Been using just moon goo and science jr. module for now. However just unlocked more science: mobile lab and thermometer.

Also is there some function for "ER-7500 Computer Flight Unit"? :blush:

Also is it possible to build rover at the start of game? Would be awesome to drive around moon and do some science .. not so interested to fly around whole rocket to different places to gather science

LV-N's make interplanetary easier, but they aren't compulsory. Set up some orbital refuelling stations and you can do it with conventional engines.

I'd highly recommend trying the Fine Print mod. It's due to be integrated into stock in the next update anyway, and it adds a lot more variety to the contracts, especially around Kerbin. Launching some satellites or space stations would give you the science you're after.

If you must stay stock, launch a lab/lander/fuel combo to the Mun. Leave the lab and fuel in orbit, and use the lander to pop down to every biome, refuelling and cleaning your science gear at the lab in between each hop.

How does refueling work on orbit? I think that feature wasn't there when I last time tried KSP long long time ago.. Dock two ships together and ..? Right-click tanks to transfer fuel? If so I guess I gotta start learning to do some rendezvous on orbit.. :D

I'm trying to keep as stock as I can. Lost interest last time after installing multiple mods :( Currently using KerbalEngineer and Protractor mods.. But will check mod you mentioned

My mission to land minmus: mission success

This is my current rocket (yeah, it might be little bit overkill but I run out of fuel once on my minmus mission so...)

edit: Visited Duna and Ike orbit with probe today. Got like ~800 science just because I got my probe back to Kerbin. Don't see how I could land and get back from there :( Sending data remotely doesn't seem to be viable obtion. For that trip I would have gathered only ~240 science which isn't too much. Of course I wouldn't have to get back but...


Back to kerbin, upside down

Edited by Nurffe
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