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Heavy Lifter for a beginner

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This is the first good heavy lift ship I've made. This ship has the heavy lab on top. 203 parts. It is overpowered, I've successfully gotten 2 labs in orbit at once

This is after playing the game for about 2 days, in science mode.

I don't know how much this can lift, but it's a lot. it can get into escape velocity pretty easily.

Here is the link to download, I'm putting up some pictures below.

If you download it, when you launch it, press the space button 3 times, about 1 second apart. This was necessary to keep the initial blast from destroying the launch pad.

The first stage consists of two sets of SRB. When the first set of SRBs finish (the outer ring), press the space to release them, then the space to release the second set. Looks kind of pretty, see below.

Two things wrong. First, the ship seems to have some extra drag on one side, so it keeps tilting over. Engage SAS, and it will not tilt that much. The second is that for some reason, I needed to put two decoupling rings between the 2nd and 3rd stages, otherwise the ring would release the 2nd stage, but stay on as a shroud and not allow the third stage thrust to do anything.


Here is a sequence of shots showing it on the pad and through the first few minutes of flight, starting with the launch pad. The last 2 pictures are showing the dual lab launch:




Clamp release:


Ignition part 2:


1 second after liftoff:


Right after 1st set of SRB seperation:


Final 1st stage SRB seperation:


Stage 2 Ignition. Notice the huge explosion when the exhaust hits the 1st stage SRBs:


During 2nd stage thrust, from the other side:


1st part of 2nd stage SRB seperation:


3rd stage ignition. Looks messy, but if you wait about 5 seconds after SRB, they will be safely out of the way:


3rd stage by itself:


3rd stage seperation:


After 1st decoupler right:


After 2nd decoupler ring:


4th stage under power:


3 parachutes for a gentle landing:


And finally, two shots showing the two labs going into orbit:


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