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Adding structures onto KSC via modding possible?


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Well, I now of a mod called kerbin-side. ​But do you have a program that can open ksp's .file files?

I can't find those .file files, though I suspect they may be simply extensionless on Linux. In any event: if it's plain text, literally every text editor ever (I prefer Notepad++ for most things, VI for other things) will open it, and if it's binary, I'm pretty sure a hex editor can let you look at it, though it won't really be readable for humans in most situations.

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Also, a KSC++ mod:


I know there's a mod, I'm simply interested about the concepts - how do I make one?

As you are at the very beginning of your attempt, probably you would first have a look to Kerbin-Side *.cfg files.

These STATIC clauses look enough clear to be edited or cloned.

Probably, you would start with defining new instances of these details ("kerbinsideflatlaunch", "ksidefueltank3") at custom positions.

Then you would play with other cfg-mu from other mods you have.

Why to invent a bicycle when you have a ready customizable solution?

Edited by kerbiloid
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