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PSEB: A KSP mission blog for a school project


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Hi fellas! This term at my university, one of my classes had a long term project involving coming up with a creative project and doing pre-planning work throughout the quarter. At the end of next week, we are expected to present a sort of rough prototype of the project to the class. I chose to do a KSP mission blog, something that I've wanted to do for a long time. Unfortunately, I got caught up with other homework and with some other games after making two posts and a draft.


I was wondering if you guys had any feedback for, particularly in regards to the writing style and the types of information in the posts. What you liked / didn't like, what you'd like to see more of, what was useless to the narrative, etc. I would like to discuss the feedback during my presentation. Additionally, I plan on rebooting this as my own personal project once KSP 0.9 drops, so any feedback I can get can be applied to the newer iteration.

Cheers fellas,


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The problem with feedback is, you often only get it when people have something bad to say (particularly on the Internet).

There's a section that says [this post is unfinished], but if you pulled that out no one would notice and it would look fine. What mods did you use, it doesn't look completely stock.

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