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Constellations, and Locations


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So, I\'ve been wandering the space around Kerbol for some time now, and have noticed some stuff out there in the background. Where there\'s stuff, there have to be names for that stuff.

Therfore I\'d like to start and encourage my fellow kerbonauts to do the same. As long as the object(s) you are submitting, have not been named before - you get to name them! Maybe one day those objects will actually land in-game and Squad just might take a peek in here for inspiration :)

Don\'t make up crazy names or FaC3b00k style names. Obviously don\'t use swear words. You may call object after yourself as long as the name is not offending, or can be pronounced by a normal person who did not learned to write on Facebook/Twitter...

Name nebulae, stars, constellations (zodiacs), geological areas like lakes, seas, oceans, mountains, etc.

List of named objects:


'Devil' nebula (Dev nebula for short).


Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus

Devil nebula is the most prominent visual marker on Kerbin night sky and therefore is used as navigation reference while looking for other objects.

'Bird-scull' nebula (B-S nebula for short)


Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus

Located above Devil nebula, it encompass Kerbol system on one side.

'Chorkaleys hand' nebula


Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus

Located beneath Devil nebula, it encompass Kerbol system on one side. The name comes from Chorkaley - the goddess of the church Enyr Austari - one of the oldest and biggest religions on Kerbin, who believe the nebula to be a 'protecting' hand of the goddess.


Constellations (Zodiacs):

'Seagull' belt


Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus

Located above Devil nebula, between it\'s \'ears\', the belt consist of 4 stars (not named as of this moment).



Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Max Grant

Located to the left of the Devil nebula \'face\', this constellation is rotated 180deg compared to Devil. It consist of 10 stars (not named as of this moment)

'Umbrella' (and other names)


Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Dalfite/Kosmo/Serratus(?)

Located between Devil and Bird-scull nebulae, it consists of 5 stars (not named as of this moment)

Kerbal scientist Dalfite disputes that the same area is in fact a constellation called the 'Kraken', while Dr Kosmo believes the constellation to represent his face.



Located between 'Chorkaleys hand' and 'Bird-scull' nebulae, Fish constelation consists of 7 stars.


1. Star Kerbol - dimmest in constellation. 1 known planet (Kerbin) +1 known moon (Mun)

2-7 unknown at this time.

Kerbin geography:

'Bunny bay'


Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus

Location: ??:??:??. Part of Sea of Kolus, it goes inwards into Old Kolus continent in norther hemisphere. The tiny island that makes up the \'eye\' of the \'Bunny\' is named after kerbal scientist who invented Munar rocks, St. Munor (location: ??:??:??)

Mun geography:

'Dumbbell' craters


Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus


Small crater

estimated center alt. 445m; coord. 4 2\' 43' S; 138 20\' 5' E;

lowest known point 191m; coord. 6 8\' 53' S; 139 30\' 30' E;

estimated diameter of ~25km +/- 5km

Big crater

estimated center alt. 162m; coord. 22 36\' 51' S; 134 54\' 12' E;

lowest known point 122m; coord. 20 30\' 57' S; 133 1\' 29' E;

estimated diameter of ~60km +/- 8km


estimated length of ~27km +/- 5km

estimated width of ~3km +/- 1km

'Mun face'


Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus

Located to the north-west of bigger Dumbbell crater, this natural formation has been long speculated as proof of different gods existence, and - more recently - a source of most ridiculous conspiracy and/or alien stories; the most popular saying that tall, pale, aliens with small eyes and big feet, are abducting kerbals for the purpose of -=NOT PG=- studies...

'Great rift'


Discovered: 14th age, 4th year, by Serratus



estimated center alt. 306m; coord. 35 30\' 29' N; 46 49\' 23' W;

lowest known point 178m; coord. 34 48\' 7' N; 46 40\' 20' W;

estimated diameter of ~13km +/- 3km


estimated length of ~63km +/- 5km

estimated width of ~2km +/- 500m

Once believed to be reminder of a collision between Mun and small but fast asteroid at a steep angle, the event took place around 37mln years ago. However, recently KSP astrogeology team determined that the asteroid was actually solid, pure chunk of uranium. Where did it came from remains a mystery at this time.

Good hunting to all fellow explorers! :D

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Images work for me now. Hey, I love this idea!

My concern is Squad should have eminent domain to name features, so let\'s tread lightly. But if they do leave it up to us user-folk, wouldn\'t that be cool?

Only one more proposed rule: please, let\'s not simply name things after ourselves! It is reasonable in real life, where naming something is the reward for a huge commitment of time and resources. But we\'re just goofing around here, so I think it would be presumptuous to claim the 'Zephram expanse'.

Serratus, I especially like your designations for the Dev Nebula and Seagull Belt. I don\'t quite get the reference to 'not twin' though; could you explain his story?

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My concern is Squad should have eminent domain to name features, so let\'s tread lightly. But if they do leave it up to us user-folk, wouldn\'t that be cool?

That goes without saying :)

Only one more proposed rule: please, let\'s not simply name things after ourselves! It is reasonable in real life, where naming something is the reward for a huge commitment of time and resources. But we\'re just goofing around here, so I think it would be presumptuous to claim the 'Zephram expanse'.

OK, I was with you until that last part. 'Zephram expanse' sounds good. Legit. Has some sort of \'feel\' to it. And it just might be a cool way to remember the biggest/oldest veterans of this universe biggest catastrophe a.k.a. a space program that kerbals run (down to the ground usually) :P Obviously no one with nick like 'Flying_penis' will be allowed to name anything after themselves (unless he finds one O_o).

I don\'t quite get the reference to 'not twin' though; could you explain his story?

Well, we do have constellation 'Twins'. Kerbals obviously do things half-a**. So there you go. I was looking for triplets but... well I\'m still looking (and 275.000M 302.000M away in the process). Not much philosophy here but I feel like kerbals need some sort of mythology. This is a start.

Bit of trivia here: Jebediach was born under 'Not-Twin'. That\'s why he always stands out from the crowd (of 3).

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Well, we do have constellation 'Twins'. Kerbals obviously do things half-a**. So there you go

Oh, I just figured it was because it looked very similar to ONE of the Gemini twins. Maybe you could call the constellation Separatus or something.

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Oh, I just figured it was because it looked very similar to ONE of the Gemini twins. Maybe you could call the constellation Separatus or something.

I liked that idea so congrats. You just named a constellation :) BTW. Feel free to submit stuff you find. I can\'t name EVERYTHING...

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I like to call the munar maria around the Mun's Prograde point "the Mare Pullos."

And the sport where my Mun base is "Taris-litral".

Just because.

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