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Q. How do I re-kindle my interest in KSP

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Ok. So to start with I have now been everywhere and done most everything I can think of in KSP. I have been an addict since 0.16 and still have every release on my PC along with 1 save per version.

I have gone through most mods as well and still keep them sorted by version No; ... just in case. Oh except Mcjeb I stopped using that in 0.20. ( and before its said Yes I have done kethane/ Real solar/ FAR life support /KAS/ etc. etc. & found it dull... best mods ever are graphics mods:) )

I have sailed <100km over Jool, done the grand tour etc and up until recently found joy in just creating and flying absurd creations for contracts. ( yes I have done it with no reverts and little rewards )

Before I continue;

To be honest it was after a forum "discussion" that my interest started to diminish ( it seems were not allowed to have an opinion that differs from the 6 main prolific posters in the exchange. U know who you are )

So I'm hoping that "normal" forum users that can grant me some sage wisdom and inspiration that will see my affection for KSP come back in spade's

I am open to all suggestions and I'm sure lots of critic's.

So please lend me your ideas and help me find a reason to go-on :(

Edit; Thank you all for the great idea's

Edited by KandoKris
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I've had that happen before - your opinion/point of view isn't recognized, and you get hurt. I feel you.

In my case, when I get bored, i start making big, and complex things. Try it, it's satisfying when it works.


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Okay, I was going to address our OP first, BUT, that shuttle makes me want to ask Zekes first: WHAT MOD IS THAT? <the tanks specifically as well as the engine bells on the shuttle>. With that done. I will turn to our OP.

What I would suggest is this: Put no stock in what the most prolific posters say, do, dont say, dont do. its just not worth the head ache. All that matters is what YOU think. I would suggest, take a break from KSP. Wait for .90 to drop and come back and see what comes up with that. Do not beat yourself up on what the prolific posters think or do, again, just not worth it. The sad truth is, that, it seems like, those with 1000, 2000 or MORE posts are seen as authorities on the forum and almost sin like to be different than them. It has sparked fights on this board, when say, mr 5000 posts says one thing, and you, with 10 posts says something that is 180 degrees off of what they said, and you get flatly ignored. It stinks, and its wrong. We are ALL valuable and equal imho. BUT, take a break not only from the game, but the forum as well. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, or so they say.

Edited by Higgs
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Mod extensively. Think you like it but don't need it? Take it anyway. Get everything until you almost reach your memory limits. Then mash everything up and create things. People made a functional zoid. Why not try your hand on gundam and transformers? Fuel your design addiction with ever more efficient design for a particular purpose. Create satellite constellations with remote tech. Populate the planets with kolonies from MKS/OKS.

Just...play it. This is a single player game. This is you in your own world. Do whatever you like.

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  Higgs said:
Okay, I was going to address our OP first, BUT, that shuttle makes me want to ask Zekes first: WHAT MOD IS THAT? <the tanks specifically as well as the engine bells on the shuttle>. With that done. I will turn to our OP.

It's stock - the tanks are just big 3.75 tanks colored orange (by kerbpaint, a plugin that doesn't affect the stockness of the game). The SSMEs are Kerbodyne KR-2L Advanced Engines, believe it or not. It's a life-size shuttle.

It has a thread, here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/102239-Full-Size-Space-Shuttle-100-Stock%21

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Well, other games are available.

But as far as KSP goes: Mod-only install. Delete the stock parts.

Candidate mods for that:

KW and/or NovaPunch, obviously.

Vertical Propulsion Emporium.

Bargain Rockets.

*Maybe* Near Future Technologies. Not sure it's got many options for launchers.

NecroBones' mods - Modular Rocket Systems, Joolian Discovery, etc.

Or another idea. You stopped using MJ previously, but how about a MechJeb only save. No manual control inputs allowed.

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Personally I could never play one game that much no matter how good, there are just too many others out there that are worthy of attention. Don't feel bad if you're bored of it. Maybe a break will help. Otherwise don't force yourself to play if you're bored, life is too short.

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I played this game far too much from 0.15 through 0.22 or so, but then got burnt out. When you've pretty much done all that you find enjoyable to do, it's time to take a break. In my case, I don't find mods to be fun at all, so I only play the stock game. Trying to do all manner of absurd missions with stock (or demo) parts or building the smallest/fastest whatever without cheats was my thing.

It's been about a year, and I'm trying to get back into the game again. I'm not sure it will work - very little has changed in the way of actual spaceflight , but I am enjoying flying around doing silly things again.

Regarding people ignoring your input, there are snobs on every forum, it's just something you have to deal with. Valuing post count above quality is a great way to get bad advice. The people with the highest numbers are nearly always the ones who have little or nothing to contribute but who spend all day, every day on the forum.

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Have you ever played a scary game before? No you haven't, unless you've played Alien: Isolation. :D I'm pretty jaded, and nothing on screen gives me a fright, and I mean nothing. That was until I had the experience of being hunted by a highly intelligent predator built for killing. The visuals, and the sounds, especially, take you out of your computer chair, and take you to a place where you think your life is in danger. It's that frakkin' awesome.

Play that for while, then check out KSP after the .90 beta. Oh, and VTOLs. :cool:

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I have taken a break a couple different times. Go and enjoy other things. It really is ok to do.

For me this time around, hardware is what is bringing me back. I really want to build my own control box for the game and it's bringing some new life and a new challenge to the game for me. I started off having no idea what I was doing so it's been quite fun and frustrating.

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  zekes said:
I've had that happen before - your opinion/point of view isn't recognized, and you get hurt. I feel you.

In my case, when I get bored, i start making big, and complex things. Try it, it's satisfying when it works.


Or he could stop with the shameless self-advertising.

Just a suggestion.

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Here's one that kept me going for a month... And yes, I realize you said graphics mods interested you most but, if you have even the slightest interest in the engineering side, this is still a wide open field.

Take a look at some of the 'walker' designs out there. Some are ok, some are horrid.

Using Infernal Robotics, make a walker. And I don't mean some lumbering beast that requires mashing the crap outta the keyboard. I mean something that achieves a decent speed, has relative stability.. and actually walks.

Now, if you want a spoiler as to what got me into it and one of my solutions, here's the challenge.

If you're interested in how I solved the problem, here's my tutorial.

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