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Crowd Sourced Science-Biome Reports Everywhere! (August 11) [6.0]


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unfortunately that did not help either. Just to clarify, I am just sitting on the surface of the moon and every time I make a change to the surfaceSample.cfg I reload the game and then the save and just take a few samples. Every time I get the first one about breccia and melted materials. Same happens for crew report with different reports.

Thx for you help guys

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone,

I'm having major issues trying to get this to work.

I've got version of Kerbal Space Program.

I downloaded the latest version of CSS (v3.0.1) and Module Manager (v2.6.7)

Placed both of them in D:\[...]Kerbal Space Program\GameData.

Load up the game, Module Manager says that it does something with around 1000 patches.

Go into the game, but get the same old crew reports, EVA reports etc.

I just go on the launchpad, do a crew report and it's the one about looking up into the sky before falling asleep blah blah blah...

Any ideas?

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Hey everyone,

I'm having major issues trying to get this to work.

I've got version of Kerbal Space Program.

I downloaded the latest version of CSS (v3.0.1) and Module Manager (v2.6.7)

Placed both of them in D:\[...]Kerbal Space Program\GameData.

Load up the game, Module Manager says that it does something with around 1000 patches.

Go into the game, but get the same old crew reports, EVA reports etc.

I just go on the launchpad, do a crew report and it's the one about looking up into the sky before falling asleep blah blah blah...

Any ideas?

We still don't fully understand how KSP chooses a report by random. The new reports worked with earlier versions, the only thing we changed from the original mod is that it adds the reports via MM, nothing else.

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It seems like there are only VERY limited reports defined in the downloaded component of this mod.. I have only seen at most 2 different report per report type; maybe I am wrong.. there are lots of reports hiding some where.. but I havent seen them yet.. I tried space, water, grassland, runway, they all seems only giving me very limited and repeating reports most the time

I thought there maybe a separate link which i missed which has bunch of customized reports in it..

But I havent been able to found one.. does anyone has such config file or link to such config file?

Or this is simply a mod where no one is allowed to publish such config file and we are basically stucked with those existing reports unless we spend some boring time to write our own?

Edited by 8749236
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  • 4 weeks later...

I too only ever get the same results over and over again. I checked my MM configcache, and the scidefs from CSS are getting inserted into the EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION, RESULTS nodes as they should. Maybe squad changed something so that it doesn't randomly choose from the possible list anymore? I seem to always get whichever result is listed first in the scidef, which is generally the Squad one.

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Well, I tested this more. When I don't install CSS the reports are more randomly chosen by the game, but when I install CSS, it only shows the same report over and over.

I'm not sure if this is my game/PC only, so I need confirmation from you guys. So test the which reports are shown with and without this mod.

Is it more random without CSS?

If not, what happens?

Which report is always shown?

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I too only ever get the same results over and over again. I checked my MM configcache, and the scidefs from CSS are getting inserted into the EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION, RESULTS nodes as they should. Maybe squad changed something so that it doesn't randomly choose from the possible list anymore? I seem to always get whichever result is listed first in the scidef, which is generally the Squad one.

Could you try changing the first report and see if that becomes the only one shown? Also, did you install using CKAN?

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Could you try changing the first report and see if that becomes the only one shown? Also, did you install using CKAN?

I did install with CKAN.

I did some more testing. First, I uninstalled CSS, then I performed various edits to the Squad Scidefs file and tested the results (just by launching from the pad, so all my tests dealt with flying over the shores). Here's what I found:

1. It only uses the first result for biome specific results. Eg. KerbinFlyingLowShores

2. It randomizes them for merely situation specific results (Eg. KerbinFlyingLow)

3. It uses a biome specific result if it can find one.

As a result, I think CSS ends up with less variability because it is adding biome specific results when Squad only had (multiple) situation ones.

EDIT: All my testing was with crew reports and eva reports, but the results were the same for both.

EDIT2: By "results" in my first edit, I mean the real life results of my testing, not the results displayed for the science in game.

Edited by Wercho
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  • 2 weeks later...
There was a nan error? Give me screenshots and logs!

The NaN error is still there. I'm using the very latest from GitHub 3.0.1, as the CKAN is 3.0 only. I found the source of the NaN I think. It happens with procedural parts. It looks like it can't calculate something and blows up with NaN. I created a jet with procedural wings, went on for takeoff, there was some science on the airfield, so I did it, and came back - recover, only to get the NaN error as a result. I scrolled through the list of all the recovered parts, and all procedural wings had the NaN value, which caused all my funds to go NaN too.

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The NaN error is still there. I'm using the very latest from GitHub 3.0.1, as the CKAN is 3.0 only. I found the source of the NaN I think. It happens with procedural parts. It looks like it can't calculate something and blows up with NaN. I created a jet with procedural wings, went on for takeoff, there was some science on the airfield, so I did it, and came back - recover, only to get the NaN error as a result. I scrolled through the list of all the recovered parts, and all procedural wings had the NaN value, which caused all my funds to go NaN too.

Sounds like it might be something for the Pwings guys to look at, I do not speak that cursed tongue they call C#.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Duodex the .version file in the 3.0.1 release on Github hasnt been updated.

The AVC mod suggests an update even when you have the latest version.

I edited it manually to:



"MAJOR" : 3,

"MINOR" : 0,

"PATCH" : 1, //Original value was still 0

"BUILD" : 0



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  • 3 weeks later...

There seems to be an issue with the CKAN entry for 3.0.1. When trying to upgrade from 3.0, I get the following error:

Bad metadata detected for module CrowdSourcedScience v3.0.1: No files found in Crowd Sourced Science to install!

I suspect the issue might be that the directory in the 3.0.1 archive is named "CrowdSourcedScience-master", but there is an install-field containing "Crowd Sourced Science" as a file name

"install": [
"file": "Crowd Sourced Science",
"find": null,
"find_regexp": null,
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter": null,
"filter_regexp": null

In 3.0 there was just an "install": null (and the directory in the archive was named "CrowdSourcedScience").

So, the spaces should be removed from the file name above and the folder in the archive renamed to "CrowdSourcedScience".

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There seems to be an issue with the CKAN entry for 3.0.1. When trying to upgrade from 3.0, I get the following error:

Bad metadata detected for module CrowdSourcedScience v3.0.1: No files found in Crowd Sourced Science to install!

I suspect the issue might be that the directory in the 3.0.1 archive is named "CrowdSourcedScience-master", but there is an install-field containing "Crowd Sourced Science" as a file name

"install": [
"file": "Crowd Sourced Science",
"find": null,
"find_regexp": null,
"install_to": "GameData",
"filter": null,
"filter_regexp": null

In 3.0 there was just an "install": null (and the directory in the archive was named "CrowdSourcedScience").

So, the spaces should be removed from the file name above and the folder in the archive renamed to "CrowdSourcedScience".

Let me fix this

- - - Updated - - -

Fixed! I also pushed a new version up.

Crowd Sourced Science v3.0.2 is now available on GitHub

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I don't follow. Was referring to instances where there previously was barometer science available

I mean, maybe it was turned off because measuring atmospheric pressure without an atmosphere is, well, meaningless? But on the other hand, it was replaced with a probe report, right?

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