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[1.12.x] Sounding Rockets! Start small. Dream big!


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I was about to download this mod but when I was looking though the Dropbox I saw that the 0.2.0_PRE is over three times the size. Will it have more parts and I should wait for the more stable one to come out?

The pre-release is stable as far as ive tested, and adds lots of neat things haven't encountered anything game breaking( look back a couple pages for details)

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I've been playing around a bit with Sounding Rockets and Movietime in my grossly overmodded career mode. It's gloriously crashy, but between that I did manage to get some shots:

The first KSC launch, a single stage sounding rocket.


The second rocket, now with TWO stages!


The third rocket. I bet you can guess how many stages it had.


Don't ask about K-4. We don't talk about K-4.

The fourth (not fifth) rocket in the K series violates the rule of K-numbering by having three stages, but the first stage is a real doozy, so it's alright.


Also, the first Kerbal image from SPACE! Jeb was really excited over this.


(my own humble tribute to this:


Taken from a V-2 rocket in 1946.)

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Someone did a RT config up the thread - and if someone wants to log a github issue I can roll it into the next release.

That would be me. Here it is again:

// RemoteTech_SoundingRockets

// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

// All the code from RemoteTech is in GPLv2








%TechRequired = start

%OmniRange = 100000



%PacketInterval = 0.3

%PacketSize = 2

%PacketResourceCost = 15.0






@TechRequired = start


On a related note, it would appear (not for the first time) that I'm a bit of an idiot. In complaining about your fragile rocket truss, I wasn't taking into account the crash tolerance of the experiments / avionics package. I'm guessing now that although the touchdown speed seemed to be less than 5 m/s, some element of it was too close to the limit for these parts, and when they exploded they took the truss with them.

My apologies, Mr Dude sir, for casting unwarranted aspersions on your fine mod. I should always remember that it's more likely to be PBKAC than something wrong with your work...

If anyone's looking for me, I'll be in the corner with the dunce hat on. :blush:

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Are there plans to make a "packed up" balloon? Would be nice for a probe to drop into Jool, Duna, Laythe, gas planet 2, and gas planet 3.

Also, there are "thin film" solar "panel" tech currently available IRL. Not as efficient as a hard panel. You could have a balloon with the top half as a solar panel but even with the entire top half of it being a PV panel it would only generate as much power as two OX-STAT PV panels (1.5 EC/s).


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Yep there are plans for a foldable balloon


Could something like that be used to launch back up off of Eve? Also from what I read on the gas planet 2 on KSP' wiki one of it's moons, Fonso, will have an atmosphere double the density of Kerbin. Though it is not as thick as Eve's 5x thick atmosphere.

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Here is a small rocket I managed to get into orbit with the use of the blimp and weather balloon.

In hanger. Just one long fuel tank and 2 small SRB's.


Ready to launch. I set the small weather balloon on top to 0% and the blimp to 10%.


1m 47s after launch I'm going good.


Not the more precise orbit but I got up there with about half a tank to spare.



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