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I\'m probably making a mistake getting involved with this, but guys, really, It\'s not worth getting so riled up.

You\'re not making a mistake at all. He decided to claim that I believe all conspiracy theories despite knowing it was not true. I will read your articles for sure, because Russian and Chinese theories don\'t really effect me so I\'m open to whatever the proof shows.

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This would be in the mod box, only the forum software is doing something funny. In any case, this is a moderator comment.

Alright everyone. Play nice.

No matter what you think about what someone else believes or says, there is NO excuse for personal attacks, and that includes calling forum users 'idiots' or 'morons'.

Capn\' Skunky has already warned you, so consider this your last warning before we start doing something more serious. And Kryten and Vincent, I\'m looking at you guys.

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Guess what?

There was a mars rover, I know because I have a cousin that worked on it while he worked at NASA (no you\'re not getting any names) before leaving NASA to work at GE. So, need to say everything is a conspiracy aside, it happened. As an aside this thread is two ticks from being locked as has already been said by two other mods. Play nice.

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Despite the fact I heavily disagree with the skepticism against the soviet and chinese space programs...

I do believe they are real, but I don\'t really have the care enough to get real into the argument.

He never was arguing against the rovers.

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This has been obvious for a while now.

How\'s that? I was never active on these forums during the time I was a hoax believer... I never mentioned I believed Apollo was fake currently. So unless you know me from youtube, where I was once quite active making hoax videos, then I really don\'t see how you\'d know I was a hoax believer before I came here. My 'conversion' to pro Apollo was July of 2011. I made the official announcement on youtube on July 27th.

Video can be found here:

Vincent McConnell Confirms he is a propagandist in person

Wow... I sound so much different...

FYI: My spazz attitude when making this video was because I\'d been up for about 36 hours and had to wait until the next night to go to sleep.

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Oh, you\'re so young there, I\'m not going to ask your current age, I\'ll assume you\'re not much older.

I actually assumed you were older, and that you came to your conclusions by yourself, but I remember being exactly like you at that age...

It was so easy for other peoples biases and agendas to influence me, how could I know any better? we are brought up to accept what the \'adults\' say is the truth and we aren\'t taught to question enough or argue our own corner.

I look back now and wonder how on earth I could have believed half of what I did when I was young, at least now with the net I can look up anything I\'m unsure about, but I have had to learn to spot the garbage spewed by people who\'s minds are closed to truth but need to keep their own little fantasies going, it\'s a parody of mental health sometimes, stable people, but twisted.

This is the worst thing, when a young impressionable open mind can be so easily filled with junk, it can be so hard to undo the damage, we need more Sagans and Tysons in this world to help young people grow up with the right mindset, instead we have kids with their parents biases against the moon landings, communists and those with darker skin (these are here just as examples btw)

E.F.Kranz called you a skeptic Vincent, he\'s sort of right, you questioned Apollo and changed your mind, you\'re young too so I\'m sure you\'ll question the rest when you feel like it, you\'re like someone walking towards the truth, just don\'t let the impatient force you along or slow you down, you\'ll get there in your own time.

Glad to see the thread is still here, even if it\'s by the skin of it\'s teeth :)

I guess I had better put something here about mars, should we see a mars style planet added to KSP, we\'ll need a few new stock part to make landing easier, a new parachute is a must, I don\'t know about you but I don\'t fancy bouncing around with airbags in a manned vessel.

One of the planned features is for spent boosters to be recovered and reused, the current chutes cannot slow anything bigger than a capsule enough to survive landing, so the larger chutes needed for that will probably also be useful on mars.

This would restrict our designs a bit, as we\'d not only need to deploy he chute on mars, we\'d still need to deploy another chute back at Kerbin, so getting something like the cart onto mars would be tricky.

I\'d suggest radially mounted parachutes, the mod chutes are very useful now and would give us tremendous flexibility, otherwise some kind of chute stacking system will be needed.

Shock absorbing landing legs would be nice as well, the current legs are a bit too frail.

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I think for any in game mission to Mars getting there and landing using stock parts would pose a big enough challenge in itself, getting them back on the same rocket and down in one piece as well would be beyond what can be done at present imo (feel free to prove me wrong)

The only way I think it\'d work is with space stations for refuelling and also allowing stages to seperate and reconnect at a later stage..

But it sure would be fun trying either way

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I think for any in game mission to Mars getting there and landing using stock parts would pose a big enough challenge in itself, getting them back on the same rocket and down in one piece as well would be beyond what can be done at present imo (feel free to prove me wrong)

The only way I think it\'d work is with space stations for refuelling and also allowing stages to seperate and reconnect at a later stage..

But it sure would be fun trying either way

I hope though buy the time a mars or similar planet is put forth into the game that there will be more parts and such to make it possible to do such a feat. I would want more parts, and in game stability than a planet right now. It never hurts to wait for perfection. :sos:

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E.F.Kranz called you a skeptic Vincent, he\'s sort of right, you questioned Apollo and changed your mind, you\'re young too so I\'m sure you\'ll question the rest when you feel like it, you\'re like someone walking towards the truth, just don\'t let the impatient force you along or slow you down, you\'ll get there in your own time.

I believe Apollo now because I understand much more of the technicalities than I did a year ago.

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Personally, I would like to see a module added that lets you synthesize fuel when it is in contact with Munar soil. I would land one of those on the Mun with a docking module stuck to the top of it, launch a few more fuel tanks and attach it to the initial fuel generator, then use it to stock up on fuel when I make my trip to the next planet.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Guys, guess what, your going to need docking to go to other planets (or did you think your going to take a 500 ton spacecraft down to the surface).

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Guys, guess what, your going to need docking to go to other planets (or did you think your going to take a 500 ton spacecraft down to the surface).

People will just cheat and build single stage ships that can do it.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

People will just cheat and build single stage ships that can do it.

Depends of the idea of cheat (but for me its the same as yours, making it perpously overly easy and comparing it equally with everyone else).

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Depends of the idea of cheat (but for me its the same as yours, making it perpously overly easy and comparing it equally with everyone else).

Which is why I like the idea of a pure vanilla campaign mode, which gives you extra benefits (perhaps persistent, online statistics and achievements?)

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Which is why I like the idea of a pure vanilla campaign mode, which gives you extra benefits (perhaps persistent, online statistics and achievements?)

I have to agree with that, so long as the vanilla stuff is balanced.

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Moderators; kindly get out of this thread and leave the nice people alone.

Stop strangling the community. Newsflash: HarvesteR won\'t be more impressed with you if you nit-pick every single little post on this forum. Stop sucking up to him and be a reasonable and just moderator.

Jeezus christ. This is getting ridiculous. It\'s time someone stepped up and said something.

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Moderators; kindly get out of this thread and leave the nice people alone.

Stop strangling the community. Newsflash: HarvesteR won\'t be more impressed with you if you nit-pick every single little post on this forum. Stop sucking up to him and be a reasonable and just moderator.

Jeezus christ. This is getting ridiculous. It\'s time someone stepped up and said something.

They are trying to keep this community stable. They are not being paid to do it, they\'re not 'sucking up' or anything like that.

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Moderators; kindly get out of this thread and leave the nice people alone.

Stop strangling the community. Newsflash: HarvesteR won\'t be more impressed with you if you nit-pick every single little post on this forum. Stop sucking up to him and be a reasonable and just moderator.

Jeezus christ. This is getting ridiculous. It\'s time someone stepped up and said something.

I\'m glad you said what you did.

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I\'m glad you said what you did.

Thank you. Communities are like children: if you don\'t discipline them, they get unruly, but if you are too strict with them, they become introverted and strange. People are afraid to stray even a LITTLE bit off-topic for fear of retribution. For example, this thread is about Mars, any and all information regarding Mars should therefore be acceptable.

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Thank you. Communities are like children: if you don\'t discipline them, they get unruly, but if you are too strict with them, they become introverted and strange. People are afraid to stray even a LITTLE bit off-topic for fear of retribution. For example, this thread is about Mars, any and all information regarding Mars should therefore be acceptable.

This thread is about mars in general, but the mother thread this came from was about a version of mars in KSP - the unrelated posts were moved here to form this thread.

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Moderators; kindly get out of this thread and leave the nice people alone.

Stop strangling the community. Newsflash: HarvesteR won\'t be more impressed with you if you nit-pick every single little post on this forum. Stop sucking up to him and be a reasonable and just moderator.

Jeezus christ. This is getting ridiculous. It\'s time someone stepped up and said something.

One: You need to calm down, take a step back, and understand that 'taking a stand' so to speak doesn\'t work, because you\'ve already been reported for flame-bating in writing this post.

Two: We are not 'Strangling' the community and saying that is downright offensive, grow up.

Three: If we see off-topic posts we will come into the thread and remove them, note I said we 'WILL' not 'MIGHT' not 'WILL ASK YOUR PERMISSION FIRST' I said..'WILL'

Now I\'m going to suggest you relax a little and take a step back, and realize that this kind of first post makes you look a lot worse then it makes us look.

Vincent, you should watch it to bud.

Now back on topic, and stay on topic.

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