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[0.17] Multiversal Mechatronics - Munolith Research Division - 1.3


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Muon Detector - 1.3

After extensive research on the mysterious Munoliths, Multiversal Mechatronics has found out they emit a continuous Muon radiation, and made this detector to help locating the anomalies.



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Source code available here, GPL license

New products will become available as research proceeds.

Edited by r4m0n
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Install it in a craft, activate it, and if there is a Munolith in range (there is a short and long range version) it will beep with a frequency proportional with the proximity of the nearest Munolith.

The long range version will also blink a green light if you are moving closer, or red if you are moving away from it.

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This mod is awesome - not too easy that it takes away the fun and you still need to 'pinpoint' a landing area, and not too hard that it would take hours to be useful!

Sending my sat/rover recon mission:


Landed the rover near the pinpointed area, time to find the relic:


Mission success!


I\'m kind of glad I never found the Munolith before this, it was actually a fun mission to do with the limited radar capabilities!

R4m0n - does this detector work on other KSP bases and anything else or only on Munoliths?

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I\'ll find some munolits manually, then i\'ll use this. Looks fun, love the awacs-style dish. Could you release an other version that simply pinpoint vessels and debrits ?

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Kind of a stupid question, but are the locations of the Munoliths hard-coded into the plugin, or do they actually act as a sort of homing-beacon? If not, that\'d actually be a really cool feature for Harv to add into the game. 'What the heck is causing such-and-such planet to emit all of this radiation from that oddly precise location?'

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Hum, i don\'t think a Muon detector would work IRL.

According to Science et Vie Junior (a French magazine), Muon particles only lives 0.000 002 seconds, after that it disintegrates in Neutrinos and Electrons...

[quit ScienceFacts.exe] :P

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Hum, i don\'t think a Muon detector would work IRL.

According to Science et Vie Junior (a French magazine), Muon particles only lives 0.000 002 seconds, after that it disintegrates in Neutrinos and Electrons...

[quit ScienceFacts.exe] :P

Well, when travelling at relativistic speeds they can live 'long' enough to travel long distances and to be detected. =P

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