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Tackling memory issues


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Hi fellow rocket engineers!

I am looking for a thread or some overview regarding the following if available.

There are alot of nice mods out there, as a result I want to use them, this means a massive install and resorting to 64bit ksp on windows (inherent with issues) or shrinking textures (not a nice compromise)

Are these memory issues eg 4gb + related to the coding of KSP or the mods themselves? Is squad doing anything in this space? Im looking for some understanding here.

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As KSP runs on the Unity-Engine (an engine that is not developed by squad), KSP is limited to a 32bit Version.

However... the 64bit Version of the current Unity engine is availlable but Buggy as hell.

Ted (Q/A-Lead) once quoted IIRC on reddit that they have implemented several Workarounds to the 64-bit engine to make it somewhat stable.

What we can do is to wait if the next Version of Unity will give us a stable 64bit Support.

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64-bit Windows support might improve when Unity 5 comes out. In the mean time you can use mods like Active Texture Management and/or Load on Demand to lower your memory usage.

You can also force OpenGL instead of DirectX, it uses less memory in OpenGL mode but the framerate can suffer.

There's also the 64-bit Linux version of KSP, which doesn't have the issues that the Windows 64-bit version has. However, being Linux it uses OpenGL, so you'll still get lower framerates.

Hopefully Squad will spend some time on improving the way assets are loaded now that we're officially in beta.

Edited by Brofessional
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...Are these memory issues eg 4gb + related to the coding of KSP or the mods themselves?...

4Gb is a limit inherent to any Windows 32-bit application. Only other operating-systems can increase that but Unity/KSP can do more to optimise how the memory is used. Most particularly, all textures are loaded when the game starts at the moment (a KSP issue, I think?) and there are memory-leaks during scene-changes (Unity). Expect both to be addressed quite seriously after the next update.

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