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How many people here want to be real astronauts when they grow up?


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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Its about space isnt it? D: I guess you\'re right

It is extremely off topic. Here we are talking about astronauts and more specifically those who want to become one, and you talk about space marines.

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Well, if NASA can achieve proper funding when im about to be an astronaut, im going with them. But, if not SpaceX. Sigh. I\'ll miss NASA

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I\'m 15. I\'m three years ahead of you. So... I might beat you to becoming an astronaut. If you\'re going to NASA, you\'ll never walk on Mars. If you\'re going to SpaceX, like me, you\'ll have a much better shot.

What, you think somebodies going to pay them enough money for it to make it worth their while? They only work on stuff they think is going to be highly profitable, look at what happened to Falcon 1.

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I have no clue, I don\'t bother with IQ tests because most you find online are bogus anyways

Teacher hat on! :)

In fact, IQ is largely discredited today. It has its uses, but they\'re fairly specific (e.g. learning support teachers can use it as one of their battery of tests to identify which students will need extra support to reach their full potential); for most of us, a high IQ won\'t ever do any more than get you into MENSA. It doesn\'t make you better at one job or another; it\'s not even a great predictor of which students will be able to work their way to PhD (Plenty of PhDs have only average IQ, but a willingness to plug away at their chosen field until it reveals its secrets).

Is your IQ high? Congratulations, and it does mean that you\'re probably good at certain intellectual tasks (primarily those involving maths or engineering)[1]. Is it low? Don\'t worry about it, there are plenty of things that would be more useful to you in pursuing a career as an Astronaut.

And to those who live in a country with a Space program, count your blessings. I do not. If being an astronaut was a realistic option for me, I\'d have to choose whether I wanted to be an astronaut or an Australian - you have to be a citizen of either the USA or Russia or one of their affiliates (and since Australia doesn\'t have a space program, we\'re not affiliates in this context).

[1] On the other hand it MAY mean you\'re good at doing IQ tests . . .

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

What, you think somebodies going to pay them enough money for it to make it worth their while? They only work on stuff they think is going to be highly profitable, look at what happened to Falcon 1.

You have to remember that Elon Musk has plans to go to mars.

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And to those who live in a country with a Space program, count your blessings. I do not. If being an astronaut was a realistic option for me, I\'d have to choose whether I wanted to be an astronaut or an Australian - you have to be a citizen of either the USA or Russia or one of their affiliates (and since Australia doesn\'t have a space program, we\'re not affiliates in this context).

The CSA is affiliated with NASA, but they do so little and have a tiny budget(I\'m not sure about this, but it\'s a reasonable assumption). So my chances are non-existent also. I would like to someday travel to space, but the only way that\'ll happen is either some major space agency starts hiring foreigners, the CSA\'s budget magical surpasses NASA\'s, or I become rich. :(
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The CSA is affiliated with NASA, but they do so little and have a tiny budget(I\'m not sure about this, but it\'s a reasonable assumption). So my chances are non-existent also. I would like to someday travel to space, but the only way that\'ll happen is either some major space agency starts hiring foreigners, the CSA\'s budget magical surpasses NASA\'s, or I become rich. :(

If you become an american citizen I think NASA will hire you...

Not entirely sure, though...

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The CSA is affiliated with NASA, but they do so little and have a tiny budget(I\'m not sure about this, but it\'s a reasonable assumption).

That might be so, but NASA still sends up their astronauts; they\'ve launched 16 15 so far already.

EDIT: One of those was a space tourist.

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That might be so, but NASA still sends up their astronauts; they\'ve launched 16 15 so far already.

EDIT: One of those was a space tourist.

That\'s true, but it\'s not many. I\'m hoping that 15-20 from now there are more opportunities to become an astronaut when we advance more, and, hopefully, budgets are increased.
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I think its New Jersy that does this to america. Specificly Jersy shore.

I\'d say a good deal of it comes from the South, even within America the stereotypes of bible thumpers and racism there run wild. Also the fact that a good portion of the population is obese. And also the fact that we try to be the World Police and put our noses in things we shouldn\'t. And our failing public education system. The list could go on - This isn\'t the America that once was.

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I\'d say a good deal of it comes from the South, even within America the stereotypes of bible thumpers and racism there run wild. Also the fact that a good portion of the population is obese. And also the fact that we try to be the World Police and put our noses in things we shouldn\'t. And our failing public education system. The list could go on - This isn\'t the America that once was.

Don\'t forget our degrading Healthcare system which is one of the worst in the Western world.

I once considered being an airforce pilot but I figured engineering is a better use of my talents than flying around at Mach 2 blasting people out of the sky.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Don\'t forget our degrading Healthcare system which is one of the worst in the Western world.

I once considered being an airforce pilot but I figured engineering is a better use of my talents than flying around at Mach 2 blasting people out of the sky.

I have to laugh at you guys.

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