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[1.2.2] Realistic Progression Zero (RP-0) - Lightweight RealismOverhaul career v0.53 June 12


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255: Great! :)

Any parts that do not have 'non-RP0' or 'RP0-nocost' tags will not unbalance your playthrough. If a pack is listed as WIP that means that some of its parts have those tags (rather than all its parts having those tags, if the pack weren't marked as at least WIP).

The Engine Group Controller icon appears borked even without ATM, so I don't think it's an ATM issue. I'm investigating.

chrisl: sounds like the referenced transforms don't exist. Will check.

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v0.31 Service Propulsion System

**Requires Realism Overhaul 8.4.0**

- Update readme to have correct link (thanks glilienthal).

- aw94: Update life support tanks to appear only when appropriate.

- aw94: placed and priced various non-procudural wing and tail parts.

- Placed and priced the stock-based Apollo SPS (AJ10-137) so there is 90kN-class vacuum engine for non-FASA users.

- Fixed SXT J-2 configs.


Photo by NASA

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So, I've just installed RO and RP-0 into onto a clean (stock) install, using CKAN. I love the idea of it, but I'm confused by some things. Firstly, the how-to seems to indicate that I should be able to put a thermometer and barometer on my first sounding rocket, but those don't appear to be researched (and they don't show up in the first two nodes I can see). I'm using the (modified) community tech tree. This makes getting research hard early on; about the only source seems to be the build-based research from KCT (on account of having to make ~10 rockets to get one where the engines don't loose thrust or shut down early). Then, once I'd finally accumulated the 25 RP needed, I tried to unlock the Early Orbital Rocketry tech, but KCT tells me it will take 625 DAYS to complete the research, despite having put two points into research (it says 1RP/day, which seems like it should get that tech done in 25 days).

Is all of this "working as intended", or is there something messed up with my install? The only "non-recommended" mods I've got (i.e. apart from the stuff CKAN requires for RO and RP-0) is FASA and KW-rocketry.

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Thermometer and barometer are in the first node.

I'm using the (modified) community tech tree.

Modified how? You have to use the original one.

KCT tells me it will take 625 DAYS to complete the research, despite having put two points into research.

That's expected, in real life it will take time too. Just time warp.

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You start in 1951, 625 days is less than two years, means you'll be launching orbital rockets in 1953. I'd call that pretty good. :)

As for the node issues, sounds like you did a manual install but downloaded the source rather than the release. The source does not include all files necessary to run RP-0, you need the release. (This is one reason why RP-0 recommends a CKAN installation).

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The install was done using CKAN; I didn't download anything manually (well, other than CKAN itself). If that's the timeline research is on in RP-0, I guess it's just something to get used to; if I'm supposed to have equipment I don't, on the other hand, maybe I should re-do the install.

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The thing is that the thermometer and the barometer are KSP-stock parts, so you very likely have them. So the only thing that you should re-install is the community tech tree IMHO, which is just a config file. Try that before a re-install.

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Looks like re-installing the tech manager and then starting a new game fixed it; still not sure what was wrong before, but the new game has all the stock parts I'd expect. Thanks for helping troubleshoot!

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Using TestFlight and KCT, it doesn't make sense IMHO that engines and other parts fail during a simulation.

Fails should only happen in non-simulated flights.

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I doubt this is specifically an RP-0 thing but I'm hoping someone might have an idea to help me fix this. I've just sent up my latest Apollo mission, this time heading to Minmus. Unlike on previous missions, this time I've added a bunch of extra scientific equipment to the outside of the LM. I also added a small procedural fuel tank filled will enough lead ballast to offset the weight of the equipment. The issue I'm having, though, is for some reason the LM keeps wanting to spin even though the engines are shut down and the RCS is currently turned off. I can't figure out what would be causing the spin to happen. Anyone have any ideas on how to correct this without using up all my RCS fuel trying to remain stable?

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I got another "Launch a new vessel" contract. °_° I can't tell which mod gives this bug though, or if it's a KSP bug.

This contract appeared after I completed the sounding rocket 80'000 meters altitude record.

Edited by 255
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I can see the argument for general reliability issues. But I would very much like to know, in a simulation, if I've pushed my engines' burn times so long they're very likely to fail...

Maybe Agathorn could add a toggle?

It's something we've talked about. Basically, he can't do it until I add the API, and I just haven't gotten around to it yet because I've been busy with other things+real life. The KCT API is likely going to be my next major project, and I might do a bit more work to add integration with other mods (like TestFlight).

Which brings me to why I'm here. Regex moved KSC Switcher out of RSS, which means I'll need to reference that to have each KSC act independently now, instead of RSS, correct? I'm assuming you all still want that functionality, where each KSC has its own upgrades and build lists?

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Correct. RSS-the-plugin is being replaced by Kopernicus, and there's reason enough why people on stock Kerbin would want KSCSwitcher (and KCT). Sorry, forgot to ping you about that, because yeah, it's very relevant to KCT... :\

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Correct. RSS-the-plugin is being replaced by Kopernicus, and there's reason enough why people on stock Kerbin would want KSCSwitcher (and KCT). Sorry, forgot to ping you about that, because yeah, it's very relevant to KCT... :\

No worries! I haven't taken a look at regex's KSC switcher code yet, but it should be simple enough to port over what I've got to the new one with just a couple changes to a few lines of code. It'll also solve (or at least seriously reduce) some issues people have been having with KCT and RSS when there's only one launch site (nothing too bad, just the KCT window being blank in the tracking station when people use the 6.4x config or other similar configs).

Glad we're on the same page now :) And though I won't be able to get started on it for a few weeks, if you guys have any requests for the KCT API, let me know on this github issue.

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One thing I have noticed using KCT in RP-O is that if I build up a stock of launchers at KSC for example then switch to Vandenberg and build and launch something, when I switch back to KSC my build list is empty. It seems to loose the persistency when switching launch sites.

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One thing I have noticed using KCT in RP-O is that if I build up a stock of launchers at KSC for example then switch to Vandenberg and build and launch something, when I switch back to KSC my build list is empty. It seems to loose the persistency when switching launch sites.

Are you making sure that you go into the tracking station and select a launch site before you start building things? You should only have to do that once, when you start a new game. If you don't do that everything gets put into the "Stock" KSC which you can never switch back to without save file editing. Also, like I mentioned above, the build list will appear empty in the tracking station, but when you switch back to the Space Center everything should show up.

If you're still having issues, come to the KCT thread and we can talk more (I don't check this thread very often, but I'm on that one all the time).

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Are you making sure that you go into the tracking station and select a launch site before you start building things? You should only have to do that once, when you start a new game. If you don't do that everything gets put into the "Stock" KSC which you can never switch back to without save file editing. Also, like I mentioned above, the build list will appear empty in the tracking station, but when you switch back to the Space Center everything should show up.

If you're still having issues, come to the KCT thread and we can talk more (I don't check this thread very often, but I'm on that one all the time).

Thanks magico, Didn't realise you needed to do it from the tracking station. Always started at the KSC and looked to use other LS depending on contracts once I'm through the sounding rocket stage. I will try tonight and report back in the KCT mod page.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to inform you, KCT's been updated to support Regex's KSCSwitcher (along the same lines that KCT worked with RSS in 0.90). Also, I'm working on adding preset configurations into KCT. Once that's done you'll just need to include a preset .cfg file and don't need to worry about overwriting any other configs. I also plan on making it so that if someone chooses to use a preset, and doesn't manually change any of the settings, then any changes to the preset file will automatically be applied (so if you rebalance later), but if the user changes any of the settings they'll be on a "custom" config which won't be changed.

Once I get it all set up I'll be back to provide examples. It will be pretty straightforward to change to, but would also be a good time to consider using some of the other formulas that I opened up.

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