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Where is my barn?

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I seem to recall that the first Kerbal base that wasn't upgraded was supposed to be a trailer park, yet I just started the new .90 career and I don't have a cute little barn.I must not have been keeping up with the updates recently, or I just dreamed it up and it was never a real idea. Does anyone know what ever happened to that idea? Was it just a joke? Or am I just losing my mind?

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I've posted this before, but I agree with OP. The new buildings are really generic, and all the barn really needed was some texture work.

I don't mind that they're fairly generic. They aren't going to be around in game for forever.

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They scrapped the barns for .90 because they looked... off

...They ARE redoing the textures though, and I think they plan to add new tier 1 buildings that look nicer (if they'll be based on the barn again I have no idea)

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The trailer park and barn were freaking awesome and I hated that the took them out. I am even more upset after getting to play with 0.90 and seeing that there are only three of the five levels implemented, there are huge jumps in what an upgrade provides (while some like R&D require a ridiculous amount of funds to upgrade past level 1) The extremely limited starting tech made sense when it was a trailer park. Now it is just an ugly hindrance full of empty lots surrounded by pointless pathways. The first two tiers' building look okay, but the center overall is hideous in the current implementation. Hopefully it gets some more work (and the Barn returns!)

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What happened to the barn?

The barn tier of buildings were initially introduced to the community as the first tier of buildings that would be encountered in Beta Than Ever. However, both the community and the KSP team both agreed that more work needed to be done on them, so a decision was made to leave that tier out of this update. The status of the barn is currently unknown, but will be touched on internally once development on the next update has begun.

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I actually liked the barn idea as a first tier. The only way it would have been an issue is if it stuck around the whole game, but as it was it was only the starting place. I really dont see what all the griping was about.


You are going straight to my ignore list.

Closed minded much?

Edited by wolfedg
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I have no idea what the new buildings look like as I won't be playing 0.90 for at least a month.

But in my opinion, nothing can be worse than a barn. The barn, imo, marked the day when Squad ammitted this is not a game about science anymore: now it's just"lolsplosions".

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The barn, while as a concept okay with me, artistically was all over the place. Nothing felt consistent, either internally or with the later tiers. This same lack of consistency is seen in the new buildings they've shown which, while consistent with eachother do not have any relation to the final tier in color or design which I think is an honest shame.

Personally, I hope that a better modeller comes along and redoes these tiers. I like the concept of progression from a somewhat murky start up to a fully modern space center (preferably including a start with mostly remote-controlled or non-controlled rockets for maximum fun), but the current buildings really just aren't up to par for what the game needs imo.

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I have no idea what the new buildings look like as I won't be playing 0.90 for at least a month.

But in my opinion, nothing can be worse than a barn. The barn, imo, marked the day when Squad ammitted this is not a game about science anymore: now it's just"lolsplosions".

You are going straight to my ignore list.

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I know, the Barn! There was so much promise and character there, I effing loved it. It was fun! But no. People and their weird .... retentive preciousness means we'll be launching our little green men into space from a mundane office park. Bravo.

Edited by Pthigrivi
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I know, the Barn! There was so much promise and character there, I effing loved it. It was fun! But no. People and their weird .... retentive preciousness means we'll be launching our little green men into space from a mundane office park. Bravo.

To be fair, it's not like they didn't have these assets running before as well. These were going to be tiers 2 and 3, it's just now they're 1 and 2.

This is not representative of some massive stylistic change on account of people hating the barn or something - no, this is what was intended to follow up after the barn. You can tell from some of the building colors and assets for that tier one that this is the case.

And the barn could be a good idea, but personally the execution was lacking. A really good modeller could've made something both consistent and unique-looking for that instead of the honestly amateur presentation we saw then, and well... these new tiers don't look much better.

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Do we know that? It feels a lot like things got ditched cause a few people got weird and went bonkers. When people say "execution", they either didn't get that these were concept renderings, (come on) or just plain didn't like the style because they're all clingy to some glitzy image that we really shouldn't see until tier 3. The idea that we get started with a few guys building rockets in a junkyard was effing brilliant.

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I really thik the barn goes good with the "Kerbal" way.

"Ok, I need a good, strong, sturdy building to build rockets in. Lets just glue some plywood together and go to space!"

To be fair, one of the problems somebody pointed out to me with that kind of idea is that the parts don't match the building aesthetic. All parts are designed to the general aesthetic of the Bac9 base (or if you want to be more accurate, the Bac9 base was built to fit the modern parts). So they would have to make special low-tier parts and that's a massive additional workload that I don't think Squad has made any claims to working on.

When people say "execution", they either didn't get that these were concept renderings, (come on).

...Uh. The barn stuff wasn't concept, it was in-engine. The same modelling techniques used for it were used for the currently ingame tiers one and two because they were developed at the same time and intended to go in at the same time. As completely inconsistent and weird as the barn's execution was, based on a few buildings it is very obvious it was intended to lead into the later two tiers.

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They were obviously not complete. Lets not be shy. It's not that you didn't like a few first-pass textures, you just didn't like the idea of starting so low tech. Tier 1 buildings should not be consistent with tier 3 buildings. They should look deliberately shabby, so you can feel that sense of growth and accomplishment as you proceed. The barn and the junkyard were just a way of making that process fun rather than characterless and boring.

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