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Destroy a space station

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Attempt to destroy an orbiting craft using another craft using any method you can imagine. .


- Station must be in an un-powered orbit around Kerbin.

- All parts packs are allowed.

- Instant orbit is allowed for both station and attacking craft, though orbits must start at a difference of at least 10,000 meters in altitude.

- Screenshots (video preferred) detailing what you claim points for must be posted in order to get on the leaderboard.


- Stock only: 15 points

- Killed station crew: 5 points

- Rammed station: 5 points

- Bombed station: 10 points

- Shot station: 10 points

- Crushed station with landing legs: 30 points

- Other methods of destruction: 15 points (Unless judged otherwise)

- No instant orbit: 10 points

- Landed attacking craft: 15 points

- Capsule-only station destroyed (Requiring extra accuracy): 10 points


- 1st: l00 with 10 points

- 2nd: N/A

- 3rd: N/A

Though I did my best to make this cheat-proof, it\'s not perfect. Don\'t be a jerk and take advantage of loopholes. Rules and points lists are subject to change.

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- Stock only: 15 points

- Killed station crew: 5 points

- Rammed station: 5 points

- Bombed station: 10 points

- Shot station: 10 points

- Crushed station with landing legs: 30 points

- Other methods of destruction: 15 points (Unless judged otherwise)

- No instant orbit: 10 points

- Landed attacking craft: 15 points

- Capsule-only station destroyed (Requiring extra accuracy): 10 points

Interested in clarification between 'rammed,' 'bombed,' shot,' and 'crushed' station. All of which can mean more or less the same, depending on the circumstance of the kerbolition demolition.

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Rammed: Hitting the station with parts still attached to your craft, possibly killing you crew

Bombed: Detaching an unpropelled bit of shrapnel to hit the station

Shot: Detaching a piece with some sort of propellant to hit the station

Crushed: Utilizing the animated parts to squeeze the station apart

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I\'ve been out of the game for perhaps longer than I should have, but I went ahead and bought the game so I got all the neat things now...

I think... mhmm, going to attempt pure vanilla and rocket-type destruction. It\'s a shame you can\'t mount SRB upside-down.

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I don\'t think that counts at all. While an impressive feat of kerboneering, it\'s one launch that didn\'t attain orbit, wherein you hit yourself at (relatively) very low speed and distance.

Fly up randomly, jettison some cargo, float 20 feet away, and come back at it. Technically impressive, but not the same thing.

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