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Testing already staged parts

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In 0.25, for contracts that required a certain part to be tested, it could either be done by staging or by choosing a "Run tests" option in the context menu. This was at least true for engines, I don't think any add-on was adding this functionality.

In 0.90, assuming that was stock functionality, that ability is now gone. This makes some testing contracts a pain sometimes. For example, if you are required to test a LV-T45 engine in orbit, it can fairly difficult to create a rocket that can make it into orbit (with level 1 buildings) that has to carry that engine as dead weight.

Was this option removed intentionally? Was it perhaps added as part of a mod? Am I just imagining things?

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If you can afford to drift for a few seconds during your launch, you can activate the engine by right-clicking on it when it comes up next in the staging sequence. Then, when you get to the point where you want to test it, shut it down by right-clicking again, then stage it. I've used this technique a couple of times in just the situation you describe (have tier-1 buildings, need to test a relatively heavy engine).

And yes, that 'run tests' option definitely was there in 0.25. I run completely stock and remember seeing it.

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I'm not sure if the Run Tests thing was removed or not (I've yet to play a great deal of 0.90 myself), but even back in 0.25, the contract would specify one or the other -- there was never an option to do whichever you felt like.

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Don't forget that you can change staging in-flight. Use the part, move it to a new stage, activate the stage to perform the contract, and keep going. I've done it, and it works. :D

Didn't know you could move an already staged part to another stage to re-stage it. How does that work though? If you swap the engine stage with the one above it, aren't you forced to then stage that part, whatever it may be?

Still, the fact that we're forced to stage it instead of just being able to run the tests bugs me. It may be one of those things that's unlocked with a higher level building, but it just seems like something we should have from the start.

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Some parts require staging, and some require right-click->test. It was always this way, and the requirement for each part is actually fixed. I don't recall which parts are tested with which method off hand, but the way each part tests never changes.

For engines, I usually just set up an action group for the engine that's under test. You can use the action group to toggle the engine on/off without interfering with the contract. Then, once you reach the required conditions, stage the engine.

If you want to move the staging sequence around in flight, I believe you can hover over the stack and insert a new stage similar as when in the editor (but maybe I'm remembering that wrong?).



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Also, you can hit the + at the bottom right of your current stage. This will add an empty stage to the bottom. Then just hit space (sometimes twice) to stage all of the engines you have running without changing anything.

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