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Landing Legs

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I have absolutely no idea how to make them work. If I try to place them they are folded up (assuming they fold down when you start their stage) and when I make a stage for them and execute it they don\'t do anything. Any ideas?

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You could have at least put 'Press G to toggle the landing legs' along with your greeting. Just saying the greeting makes you look like a bot ;P

And you\'re saying Skunky doesn\'t?

Also, to RP11: I LOVE PIKMIN! PM me and we\'ll discuss the finer manners of the game.

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Question has been answered, I don\'t think a silly little argument such as whether or not to greet a new member really needs to go on.

So, yes, lander legs are activated with the \'G\' key by default, and this can be changed in the Settings.

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A little more 'in-depth' as to how they work:

Yes, G will toggle the landing gear, but you want to be going SLOW when you deploy them, REALLY SLOW.

The 'hardest' I\'ve come down on them was about 8m/s on Mun with a single fuel can lander, and they stretched quite a bit. I\'ve gotten some more skillz, and my touchdown speed is down to about 1m/s with 4 fuel cans, and even then they kinda warp, especially if I\'m on a hill. Usually, 3~4 legs will be plenty, depending on your weight tolerances, etc.

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I use at least four legs, because then losing one part is not catastrophic. Lately, I have a pretty good sized stack landing on six legs at up to 15 m/s without incident.

By the way, you can deploy the legs at any time, any speed. It\'s just the touchdown 'collision' speed that is critical. Also, if you\'re very precise and patient, it\'s possible to add two struts to reinforce each leg.

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I can\'t seem to find an actual use for landing legs. They aren\'t telescopic, and if you\'re landing onto a liquid fuel tank (as you probably are, since you want to make a slow touchdown) then you land on your engine, not on your legs.

Where do you put landing struts that\'s actually useful?

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I can\'t seem to find an actual use for landing legs. They aren\'t telescopic, and if you\'re landing onto a liquid fuel tank (as you probably are, since you want to make a slow touchdown) then you land on your engine, not on your legs.

Where do you put landing struts that\'s actually useful?

When using the small engine that came with v0.14, (LT-V909, or something like that) the landing legs are long enough to reach the surface without endagering the engine.

Unless you\'re landing something big, you don\'t need the standard-size LFE\'s thrust for Munlanding, and the smaller one makes it a lot easier to find the neutral-lift sweet spot.

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Even the big engine will fit if you\'ve got the benefit of cleverness.

Forgive the graphics, I\'ve yet to bother upgrading. Such a PITA. Anyways, you can see daylight under the big LFE here. Here it\'s side mounted tanks in a tricky spot where they attach lower than the central tank, thus lowering them enough for the legs to extend beyond the LFE. But this craft had a possibly related problem where the LFE would detach when resuming a previously started flight, even if it was already spaceborn.

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Make sure to put them on a lower stage that doesn\'t have a booster on it,


or use a very small engine and attach them right above that.


For archiving purposes, here\'s an ascii version. E is for Engine, '[]' is a fuel pod, '|' is a landing strut. Landing struts are 'shown' in the closed position.

Method 1:



Method 2:




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