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Kerbal Science Experiments WIP Design Discussion


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So I had this idea for a little while now but my job has me pretty busy and I can't spend the time to actually develop it now. So I figured I would post it here for discussion and later, either myself or someone else might do something interesting with this idea... So anyways

Kerbal Science Experiments: Failure is an Option

Mod to increase the use of science instruments beyond their initial science returns. Also create a use case for repeated orbital visits and the construction of science stations (orbital stations and land bases).

Design Goals

1. Enhance use cases for KSP Science Instruments

2. Enhance use cases for KSP Science Lab

3. Increase use cases for KSP Scientists

4. Increase number of Orbital Activities (Lets not forget about Kerbin just because we're hanging out at Jool)

5. Increase use Case for Orbital Stations and Bases

note: This should make things difficult because otherwise, you're just pushing buttons.



Summary: Generally speaking, In order to make an activity that matters in a way that involves Kerbal Scientists (their Stupidity Stat and Experience Level) I figured a modification of the Transmit/Collect Data function currently in the game but with a chance of failure dependent on the skills of the kerbal scientist. This seems to me, like the best way to increase value of these assets while not putting too much focus on resource management. In addition, have failed (some) experiments require cleaning to increase the use cases for the Science Lab in it's current role.

So, KSE can use the contract system as the main engine. These contracts require specific parts (various instruments) in order to complete the experiment. Running the Package itself requires a Kerbal Scientist to be present. They must perform a "Run Experiment" on the package. Essentially a "Run Test" function but with a chance for failure. This FailRate is dependent on the Complexity/level of the experiment contract, along with the number of Scientists and their XP Level and Stupidity stat value. Some failed experiments must be cleaned before they may be run again. Larger more complicated experiments, will require more parts to be present. Stations and bases can therefore act as a repository of these parts already in orbit.

note: Must have a limiting factor to prevent the player from stacking multiple Experiment packages on the same ship. Maybe add negative modifier to the failRate with multiple identical experiment packages?

note2: generate unique part names for experiment packages to avoid players leaving experiments in orbit to farm contracts (can't use "new craft" contract rule since docking with stations will negate this). Perhaps have Successful Experiments become permanently locked while fail attempts may still be cleaned?

Experiment Package - Small Radially attachable part. "Experimental Part" that is not on the tech tree. Only available in the editor when the contract is accepted. Part should indicate Success % and current modifiers along with total number of scientists present (part dependencies can be done via the contract system). Also indicate if the experiment is EVA only and if it Locks (requires cleaning). Most of these stats should be able to be shown via the Right-Click menu. If unique part identifiers is beyond the scope, there could be multiple Experiment Package Parts available so that Contracts can simply draw from this "pool" when being generated.


Contract Types

note: Tier can apply to complexity/requirement of the contract while Level can apply to contract location (Kerbin Orbit, Mun Surface, Duna orbit, etc.)

note2: some missions may include Time-In-Orbit (like the Magnetic field study missions from Fine Print mod).This may help to prevent excessive farming of contracts and encourage keeping stations manned.

FailRate increases with tier level. Eventually all but requiring a lab to be present (could indicate on the contract the experiment "difficulty" as easy, medium, or hard).

Asteroids - Could be a required Part for some contracts thus requiring docking with one.

Probes - Probe experiments could have limited # of uses instead of require cleaning. With different probe core tech levels having different effects on FailRate while receiving no modifiers from Kerbal Scientists. (number of charges on experiments might be nice to have for Scientist based experiments as well. Makes Labs useful still but not a requirement... unless it actually is a part requirment.)

Tier 1 experiments don't inherently become obsolete. Lower cost contracts at this level can be assigned to Kerbin Orbit/groundside while more expensive versions could include the Mun or other bodies. Likewise can Tier 1E EVA experiments be apply to Kerbin orbit or on Duna. Other tiers likewise can be lowercost for the closer they are to kerbin while also applying for farther away locales.

Kerbal Scientists - Failrate is modified based on the average(of sorts) of Level and Stupidity of all scientists currently on the ship/station. Along with a bonus for multiple scientists.

Failed Experiments - To help the player manage under-performing science teams. A failure message from an Experiment could indicate the unfortunate kerbal and flavor text for how they messed up the experiment.

Failure Math - I'm still messing around with some different variations on the FailRate calculations so that high level kerbals and large science teams are powerful but not abusable (I foresee risk of Science Buses... or Field Trips of Level 0-1 Kerbals in a Mk 3 crewtank flying around doing peoples homework). Currently something, conceptually at least, like...

1. If total Stupidity Stat is too low, Team is "Overworked" and a negative modifier is applied. Trying to keep players from only putting the smartest scientists in orbit while ignoring all the others.

2. A Larger science team may not actually improve the failRate but instead speed up the time it takes to Run the Experiment. In this way, Total Stupidity effects the RunTime of the experiment while Average Stupidity effects the FailRate. So our "subpar" scientists can still be helpful in orbit.

Still messing around with different ideas in my head.

Lead Scientist - some missions may require a "Lead Scientist" of a minimum XP level. Handle like a required part on a contract.

This simply puts a finer emphasis on the player to level up their scientists. While also making these "Elite" Kerbals a bit of a hot commodity.


Science Teams

I like to think of a Kerbals Experience Level as "Street Smarts" while thier Stupidity Stat is their "Book Smarts."


Mission Profiles

The Science lab is big... Really big. So even with the stock parts, it makes sense to try to reuse some of this stuff for future contracts. KSE then become a ecosystem of Parts and Scientists along with their locations in the Kerbol system.

Edited by SaSquatch
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