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Everything posted by Chezburgar7300

  1. I'm excited for the sweet, sweet terrain changes
  2. I believe that there's already a pinned post about what people's hopes for KSP 2 are:
  3. It's more than likely not dead. It is very easy to just be patient and wait for an update should the creator choose to devote their free time to it. It has literally been 4 days and it is cosmetic content. I'm certain that blackrack has heard that ksp has been updated; just let them get to it when they have the time if they want to. Neither they, nor the moderators, need everyone telling them that ksp has been updated and mods are broken.
  4. I agree completely and wanted to add that if they're designing gameplay to be deeply rooted in real science, time and length dilation becomes significant when a craft approaches c. While this would make it much more reasonable in terms of time scales and warping, it also opens a whole can of worms in terms of gameplay and complexity that I'm sure that they wouldn't want to tackle. Relativity is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp in physics, so I'm convinced that they'd want to simplify that or leave it out entirely - leading back into your (very) valid concerns
  5. Gold Coast over here, soon moving to Brissy. Loving this cold weather at the moment For the first time ever, I have good internet here (2mb/s downloads on Steam).
  6. Hi everybody, I'm stressing hard because I've got an assignment due soon on orbital dynamics and I cannot for the life of me find anything on the internet to graph orbits. It doesn't need to be specific, as for this subtopic I just need to graph the effects of changing eccentricity. The criteria is really simple: Representation of a focus point (a point of any style is acceptable) 2D from the point of view of somebody above it, similar in style to the spoiler. That's it. Even if it's just an ellipse grapher where I can input eccentricity (or even the Minor/Major axis) I will be over the moon. If anybody could help out, I'd greatly appreciate it. Extra points: If the software can graph multiple orbits on the same picture.
  7. Neither. It's a food group. How did Christopher Columbus discover the (now) United States?
  8. I'm a big fan of Elite: Dangerous and Naval Action. Seriously, if you haven't heard of Naval Action I would highly suggest looking it up. It's incredible in its Alpha stage and the future is looking bright!
  9. Good morning (or afternoon) everyone. I have a Kerbin Texture that I spent some time on a while back that I would now like to share. It's in a ridiculously high resolution (so you'll probably need to resize it). Now the details of what it does: Shore lines (or shallow water) is now a much lighter shade of blue. Areas of high elevation are now whiter. Some of the ice at the poles is exaggerated. IIRC, the pictures were slightly too shiny (for some reason). They look a tad better in-game. Unfortunately, I don't have the time or patience right now to convert them to DDS format so that's up to you should you want that. I also haven't been around the modding scene for a while, so I forget if the file is named correctly. Here's a download for the interested.
  10. Unless there's progress on un update or fixes (highly unlikely for both), I think we should stay away from this thread. Kerbal Galaxy was a config for this or Kopernicus IIRC, which doesn't make this obsolete.
  11. Just to clarify, this suggestion isn't about these official mods becoming stock but rather them being officially supported and distributed on the DRMs that KSP is sold on as optional, and free, to aid with convenience.
  12. Hey forums! I haven't posted in a while and have lost the hang of it, so correct me if I'm wrong with a few things here and there or if this has already been suggested (sorry in advance!). I would think a logical step in the distribution of recently released downloadable content for the game (Asteroid Day, Kerbin Cup?) would be to add them to all DRMs (Steam, GOG etc) as free DLC. It would allow the lazy, such as myself, to not fiddle with Curse and have access to these features again once uninstalled-reinstalled etc and without running the risk of forgetting about them. Although I've come to find Curse to be great for the modding community, I don't find it to be a great option to solely distribute optional dev-made content to the public. I apologise if this was posted in the incorrect sub-forum. I was tossing up between General KSP Discussion and this one.
  13. Thanks YNM! I added the first two equations and will likely add the other at a later date.
  14. ~400 hours. Not a hardcore KSP gamer. I played 200 hours in 3 weeks a while back, though.
  15. What's with the reply to a month old message? Also, I'm pretty sure clouds not appearing is an issue.
  16. *Read the front and last page, not the whole 15 pages.* There's heaps of criticism? Jeez. I've noticed a few bugs here and there but nothing game-breaking or serious. Isn't that the norm with games? Is there a need to bag the QA/Experimentals team? They're volunteers. As Kasper said, release the kraken on him not the volunteers! They were helping out, and without them we would have waited a much longer time for 1.0 and any updates prior.
  17. 47. Not looking for a heated discussion or anything, but why does this (or something like it) always pop up when the positives are near winning? Why not before?
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