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Everything posted by Chezburgar7300

  1. I'm aware. I'm afraid that StarSystems is practically discontinued at the moment, and because of that the bugs that are hindering progress won't be squashed. I am very reluctant to move over to KopernicusTech but if I hear of nothing in the next few weeks I likely will. If school won't let me have any spare time, I'll release what I've done and let people do with it what they will.
  2. Sorry for the quote from a few pages back, blackrack. May I suggest a height of 15-20km? I don't remember what the atmosphere pressure is at that altitude compared to sea level (I haven't played with FAR for a while), but the atmosphere practically 'ends' there as in anywhere higher than that the atmosphere has a minimal effect on a craft.
  3. No body expects the Spanish Inqui- ahem, Chezburgar. Megalodon 720!
  4. Handy info. I always thought stock should have had a mach number readout. Also, does the speed of sound change with altitude? Edit: Be sure to add it to your sig!
  5. Looks as if I will have a 99.999999918% chance of losing... Best of luck to you all!
  6. Unfortunately I can't even watch the 'bad' players play. Twitch is horrible for me even on mobile quality. Youtube is fine, but twitch is horrible.
  7. I would pay good money to see that above my bed on repeat. 'Tis a symbol of humanity's achievements and desire to conquer the seemingly impossible!
  8. He's back now (a few days ago, actually), and getting back to maintenance. We best not pressure him though, he's done enough for us already!
  9. The release is on Tuesday for us, mate.
  10. No need to get mad. After all, it is only a game, right? 42!
  11. Awwwww man! 38 is still hype-worthy, though as I'm sure they're all useful and look great.
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