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Everything posted by Chezburgar7300

  1. Starts off a little (lot) slow, but damn ... Once it starts going, its breathtaking.
  2. I personally believe that there is only one universe and it is infinite, but I do realise from a scientific/mathematic view that is more than likely ludicrous. To be fair, though, a lot of science eventually either gets disproved or proven and we currently don't have the technology to determine this or not and probably never will in our lifetimes. I am going a little (lot) off topic from the OP here, and to talk about the OP, I think you're wrong. The infinity you're talking about is time not distance. As one of the first commenters said, time is not infinite and I agree with them. Although I think distance can be infinite I do not think time can be. And who knows? Beyond the border of the expanding galaxies there could just be empty space which is still the universe, just no matter in it yet.
  3. Guys, as a last resort if you want, the EVE overhaul does this. Allows you to import custom textures and change the color as well as several other values. It is a lot harder on memory though, so use it as a last resort.
  4. Nah, sorry Proot. It can't happen yet until the person who made it updates it to allow file overwriting, as you're pack overwrites files it won't be compatible.
  5. Glad that technique worked out for you Pingo! They look way better than any aurora I've seen! Just a quick query for the shooting star feature, what rgba values did you set for the cover? It only seems to shade into the layer instead of actually covering it. Look forward to a more stable release! RVE ftw! Edit: It won't let me give you rep! XD
  6. I agree with most of the suggestions here (except for the gargantuan part sizes in the OP ). One thing I'd like to see is some mk2 engines and a mk3 tri engine mount for 1.875m engines. Also agree with a 2.5m SRB. The current 1.25m shuttle one looks weird with the 3.75m NASA tanks if you ask me...
  7. As a fairly inexperienced player, I wouldn't have much use of the searchable function but I can see it's use for people who play more. I can't remember names of most things The scrollable feature though... That'd be a game changer
  8. Granted! All of the alligator-lion-tiger-wolf-shark-very-venomous-snake-spider mixes have infiltrated the Spore game instead. Also, Spore only works on Windows 95 OS and only on Skynet. I wish that squad puts fairings in the next up-date!
  9. Test 1 of a hurricane texture. Something I want KVRP to have is the most realistic storm clouds out of all of the packs. Right now it is just an 8k texture that looks a little dodgy from LKO, but I'll set up a detail layer in the future so it will be of the same (and hopefully better) quality of the other packs. Please only pay attention to the cloud and not the atmo, EVE is having issues right now I will probably release the mod with just 8k textures, as detail layers can take quite a bit of time so I'll leave that until later. I've almost finished the Cumulonimbus cloud layer, just need to arrange the clouds better.
  10. Sounds like it is definitely a problem on your end, as the latest version works perfectly fine for me on x32 Windows.
  11. Well! I have rather splendid news! After an initial proof of concept test, I have made working shooting stars! If you're looking at the screenshots for a reference, the textures were just to make sure things worked... which they do! Expect some pretty textures in a day or two. Also, it's black in day time - will fix In time, with some fixes from EVE, we'll have completely functioning shootings stars! Also, pingopete, I'm working on a sun corona for you as we speak. After that's done, I'll set up some particle textures that are to my preference and you can pick! Do you have any screens of the config I gave you for the particle frequency? EDIT: I forgot to mention: The texture does clip in and out so that it is only visible at certain times. Altering the altitude of the cover texture by roughly 30 centimetres (small, but big difference) changed the frequency from almost always to every now and again. Also, a 1k texture won't cut it. It'll atleast need to be 4k. You see the first picture? That was 3 pixels in height... Will update as I make changes! EDIT 2: I also forgot to mention that the minimum speed where it is visible is 585km/s o.O It also works better than expected in terms that you can only see it at night time.
  12. Do not run with any planet mods or Kittopia. They seriously mess up the game both when they're installed and when you uninstall them. Starsystems is not planet creation/editing friendly.
  13. You have to give more than that... Are you playing with any non-parts mods? 64bit? Kittopia? Did you install everything correctly?
  14. Must have taken a while to write that Also, zekes, nope! My guess is Overfloater, again. I heard he doesn't sleep...
  15. No sir. Red Iron Crown? Green Iron Crown?
  16. Yeah! I did look at it but I'm afraid it wasn't much help. One of the main things I like about RSS compared to stock is the atmosphere heights, as it adds more of a challenge. So, this has a much higher atmo height than jumbo 32, which is desired. But, I think I'm going to have to put in a pressure curve as the legacy atmosphere is doing my head in. I still need to do the power curve as well. Did you alter it much?
  17. Having the same issue. Doesn't sound like much of a pain, but it is.
  18. My first was a picture of a plane. Still one of my best planes I've ever made. Could cruise (while remaining stable) at mach 1 at near ground level.
  19. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you are sorely mistaken. I think I can see Overfloater in the distance!
  20. Made my first orbit in RSS today. I've tried for a stable one in the past, but had no luck. Completely stock (except for the fairings) with almost 14.6km/s dV. I still have 5 and half km/s left over, so I've got that going for me.
  21. I made my first RSS orbit today! With RVE of course It's a very nice pack indeed!
  22. If they have a mesh, couldn't you just apply the stock shadow shader to it? Provided it is a shader (I don't know where to look for it). I asked on #kspmodders but got no answer. Also, to anyone wanting to have a look the public static GameObject AddRingToPlanet is on line 240 in PlanetUtilClass.cs in the source.
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