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Transfer craft-designs between saves (in game)

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Hi everyone,

I often see the question/suggestion that some "internal simulation" feature would be nice. Even more often the answer is: "A simulation inside a simulation (game) is somehow stupid...". Well, both points are valid, but most people forget: we have an internal testing-site: SANDBOX-mode. I often use it for such testing purposes.

Today it occured to me: Why can't I transfer my designs from one save to the other - IN GAME? I know it is possible to fiddle in the directories and copy'n'paste a design from save A to B - but it would be better if that was possible inside the game - maybe with an additional check if the necessary parts are already unlocked (if transferring to a career-file). And in addition to that maybe a "quick save game changer"-feature to switch between two specific save-games (in my example a career and a sandbox-file)

I hope I made my point clear, it is just a small suggestion for making a perfect game even more perfect (if that is possible).

Edited by dyson
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That'd be cool. I imagine it'd be like the subassembly area. Drag a ship there and it goes in the "everywhere" directory. And you can overwrite/delete them too.

That is a great idea how my suggestion could be included. There would only be a checking subroutine needed if all used parts are already unlocked. Should not be too complicated and extremely helpful.

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