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Warning Rant. Americans and stereotypes.


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I am going to die. As an American, I am appalled at the this discourse, and will do my best to be as concise as I can without feeling I said too little. Now, if you excuse me, I\'ll be reserving this post for me soon-to-be long post.

First and foremost, the United States of America is theorized to have won the War of American Independence (I\'ll be calling it that for the duration of this publication, out of respect to other wars of independence) because of several reasons. One of which, is the difficulty the British army faced in transporting their troops across the Atlantic Ocean to the closed American ports. The second reason can be attributed to terrain and tactics. The British occupying army based mostly in Boston and New York, had little in the way of experience with the terrain beyond the major cities. The British Army also used standard European tactics that were simply ill-suited to the terrain of the East Coast. The US Army used European tactics sparingly, resorting to gradual degradation of the enemy army for long periods of time, then a large attack to bring it down. Both armies made major headway, but ultimately it was a combination of degrading British morale and the entrance of the French and Spanish into the war that finally drew it to a close in 1781.

Now, the War of 1812 is as much a controversial point as any other. Many Americans say the US won (despite it being more of a draw), and some (if not many, I can\'t confirm this part) British support their winning the war. The truth of the matter is that it is mostly a draw, coming to a close for again, costs, tactics, and more important matters. Major headway was again gained by both sides, including the Americans burning Toronto, and the British burning of Washington. The Battle of Fort McHenry (The inspiration of the song, The Star Spangled Banner) was a major victory and rallying point on the American side, and most British people rally towards the Washington Fiasco in regards to this war. Things can best be reviewed here as a draw, to put it concisely.

Through out the rest of the 19th Century, British innovation largely outpaced that of America, until after the American Civil War, that is. After the war, various American inventions were patented (between 1865 and 1882: 2, 519, 557. The numbers grew to long to do efficiently up to 1900). However, the UK was the major superpower of the 19th Century, and it is in part that the UK did not enter the American Civil War that the Union managed to bring down the Confederacy.

Now, the 20th Century can best be seen as a combination of both American and British innovation, with American innovations being more prevalent and reported over. In the early 20th Century, Americans invented the first 'flying machine,' so to speak, thus bringing in the era of the airplane. Major American innovations of the period are quite easy to find. Now, the British had their day during WWII, successfully defending themselves against the German armies. The 20th Century really exemplifies cooperation between the two nations. During WWII bombing raids, the US bomber planes went by day, and the British by night, using both of the nations\' abilities to accomplish a common goal. The US went to the Moon, and created several new space technologies that brought new inventions to the scene. The British also had their share of accomplishments. The creation of a VTOL plane, defending themselves during the 'Battle of Britain,' taking the fight to them, fighting along side US forces all over the globe, and many others. However, neither side was perfect. The United States had a little fiasco called, 'the Vietnam War,' in which it basically repeated every mistake the UK made during the War for American Independence. There\'s also the matter of the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing millions over the next few decades. The CIA (US Intelligence Agency (no pun intended)) armed Afghan rebels (the precursor to the Taliban) against the Soviet Union, only to later have the nation turn against it. The British were not without fault either. The Irish rebellion is a gruesome reminder of the possibility of brutality by British forces. Then, there\'s the Bengal famine of 1943 (which England has yet to recognize), during which Winston Churchill ordered mass stockpiles of food and grain to be removed from the area in case of Japanese attack, killing between 3 and 9 million Bengali (estimates vary).

As for language, both versions are correct. English is the main (or group) language, much as English is part of the larger Germanic (and Indo-European) language group. Beneath 'English' are various dialects that are all correct and should not be discriminated against. American English and British English (not 'true' English, as many tout) are both correct in their respective areas. Whatever words that are spelled differently are simply a matter of custom. Yes, many words were spelled 'incorrectly' in the first version of Webster\'s Dictionary, but Webster\'s personal accounts point to him wanting to create a national linguistic identity for the fledgling seaboard republic, and to help unify it, and separate it from England (contempt for England was pretty high in the early 1800\'s). However, soon enough these misspellings became common enough that when the accents changed, and various parts of syntax and grammar as well, American English became its own dialect.

In essence, one cannot claim the superiority of one nation without having to look at that nation\'s faults. Both the United States and the United Kingdom have their virtues and vices, and both have their own manner of doing things. Whenever one does something, another does something else that helps to balance things out. American innovation is not playing catch-up to that of Britain, as many would claim. The US is the world\'s only superpower (China is not a superpower, get over it. Its far too self-destructive and unmanageable), and leads the world on many issues, to the disdain of those who don\'t. Yet Britain is also important. It has a massive history spanning millenia, and has had its own centuries to lead the world. Neither has been, is, or ever shall be perfect. The important thing, is that they are both together as brethren, and the citizens should be as well. Whenever a British person yells on the internet at an American, calling them 'fat; idiot american; etc.,' I am appalled, but I am just as equally appalled at Americans yelling British stereotypes. Hopefully, this makes it clear that neither nation is superior historically, and factually neither stereotype has any true ground (besides the obesity, buts a global epidemic. Although I will admit, McDonalds is the only thing you can forget to get on the exit for and say, 'Oh well, I\'ll get the next one. Its only a few yards away.').

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  NovaSilisko said:

I really, really don\'t like the whole 'america is flawless, go america' viewpoint that a lot of people have nowadays...no country is without its flaws, and the united states is no exception.

If that\'s in response to me, I am not making that point. Of course, you are correct.

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I don\'t want to stir anything up but....

While Americans may have actually used the technology in order to place man on the moon, the Saturn V rocket (which was by far the only American rocket that had a chance at taking men to the moon) was designed by Werner Von Braun.

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  Aynrayne said:

I don\'t want to stir anything up but....

While Americans may have actually used the technology in order to place man on the moon, the Saturn V rocket (which was by far the only American rocket that had a chance at taking men to the moon) was designed by Werner Von Braun.

Not even the only american rocket, the only rocket in the WORLD - the N1 was far from ready as its repeated failures showed.

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As Clarkson pointed out in the video I posted, 'Americans go to space in space suits. The British go to the edge of space in lounge suits.'

We should have kept Concorde running for the simple fact that its a bloody marvellous piece of engineering brilliance. We built an airliner that went twice the speed of sound eight years before Dr.Martin Cooper finished developing the handheld/mobile/cell phone.

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  Kryten said:

Waht do you mena about China being \'self-destructive\'?

I guess 'self-destructive' wasn\'t the best term, but actively pursuing more nuclear technology, building tunnels for your ICBM\'s, increasing your military spending while your economy grows, growing your economy on dangerous practices, both environmentally and economically, basing your entire system on finite supplies and demand, and overall repression is generally referred to as self-destructive. Besides, its not going to be a superpower anytime soon, as expressed here:


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  NovaSilisko said:

I really, really don\'t like the whole 'america is flawless, go america' viewpoint that a lot of people have nowadays...no country is without its flaws, and the united states is no exception.

That person must either be so blinded by patriotism that they ignore the crap, been under a rock for the past 40 years, or simply be rich and pay no taxes.

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Oh no, they\'re increasing military spending! At this rate, they might even reach half of the american total! And they\'re building ICBMs! They\'ve got about 200, so they\'ve a bit of a way to go before they hit America\'s 5,00, but apparently it\'s enough to send them bankrupt anyway. They\'re pursuing nuclear technology! ..so? That\'s just means they\'re going to be less screwed when the oil runs out, unlike a certain nation I could mention.

EDIT: And \'growing your economy on dangerous practices\'? Like what? Actually manufacturing stuff? What\'s the American economy based on again?

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  Kryten said:

Oh no, they\'re increasing military spending! At this rate, they might even reach half of the american total! And they\'re building ICBMs! They\'ve got about 200, so they\'ve a bit of a way to go before they hit America\'s 5,00, but apparently it\'s enough to send them bankrupt anyway. They\'re pursuing nuclear technology! ..so? That\'s just means they\'re going to be less screwed when the oil runs out, unlike a certain nation I could mention.

EDIT: And \'growing your economy on dangerous practices\'? Like what? Actually manufacturing stuff? What\'s the American economy based on again?

There are many countries spending a MUCH larger percent of their GDP into military than America. China isn\'t one, but America\'s spending isn\'t that massive really.

And China still is dumping the second largest amount of money into military.

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  Kryten said:

Oh no, they\'re increasing military spending! At this rate, they might even reach half of the american total! And they\'re building ICBMs! They\'ve got about 200, so they\'ve a bit of a way to go before they hit America\'s 5,00, but apparently it\'s enough to send them bankrupt anyway. They\'re pursuing nuclear technology! ..so? That\'s just means they\'re going to be less screwed when the oil runs out, unlike a certain nation I could mention.

EDIT: And \'growing your economy on dangerous practices\'? Like what? Actually manufacturing stuff? What\'s the American economy based on again?

I think I could call 15 coal power plants per week, relaxed environmental regulations, horrid pollution, crumbling industry in Manchuria, and depending on the US buying their products to survive dangerous practices.

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  Misterspork said:

There are many countries spending a MUCH larger percent of their GDP into military than America. China isn\'t one, but America\'s spending isn\'t that massive really.

Yeah, 9. Out of 150. All of which are either gulf oil states, who can basically do whatever they want with government money, or potential or actual war zones.

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I think I could call 15 coal power plants per week, relaxed environmental regulations, horrid pollution, crumbling industry in Manchuria, and depending on the US buying their products to survive dangerous practices.

At least they\'ve got something. You\'re basically down to trading debt for debt at this point. Anyway, that\'d be a pretty good description of mid 19th century America; i.e. an emerging superpower.

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And there is where your stereotype Chinese come from, everyone know kung fu and everyone want to nuke american or invade Japan and take revenge for WWII, I do admin some people are like that, but for the kung fu part? Well I know none, I do,however, know how to rock an AR15 =P

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That\'s what you get when you take Jeremy Clarkson too seriously, you know, your typical stereotype non american who think every american are fat =P

How in all that\'s holy did you come to the conclusion that anyone could take seriously a man who can walk onto the One Show and call suicide victims \'selfish\'?

He makes a lot of valid points, but this isn\'t one of them.

A lot of Americans ARE fat. There can be no denying it. However, there is an island near Fiji where damned near everyone eats corned beef and pork roast for almost every meal. That island has the highest obesity rate of any country.

So, once again to dispel the myth, America is NOT the world\'s leading country in obesity.

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  RedDwarfIV said:

How in all that\'s holy did you come to the conclusion that anyone could take seriously a man who can walk onto the One Show and call suicide victims \'selfish\'?

He makes a lot of valid points, but this isn\'t one of them.

A lot of Americans ARE fat. There can be no denying it. However, there is an island near Fiji where damned near everyone eats corned beef and pork roast for almost every meal. That island has the highest obesity rate of any country.

So, once again to dispel the myth, America is NOT the world\'s leading country in obesity.

And here is the point: There are actually people who take it seriously.

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And here is the point: There are actually people who take it seriously.

Hence why there have been many calls for him to be sacked.

That he has not been sacked is proof of my point. This is a man who, whilst dressed in graduation robes, had a pie shoved in his face by a protester.

Also, National Health Service. My visits to the GP, those times in hospital, paid for by tax. No expensive bills for my parents when I somehow manage to break my arm and an X-ray needs to be taken.

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  RedDwarfIV said:

Also, National Health Service. My visits to the GP, those times in hospital, paid for by tax. No expensive bills for my parents when I somehow manage to break my arm and an X-ray needs to be taken.

Ah the beauty of the NHS. I wonder will Canada need a mechanical engineer in about 5 years?
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Guest GroundHOG-2010

My views on these subjects.

1. America and stereotypes.

Lets make one thing clear, I hate stereotypes. Partally because if I was the stereotypical nerd (which is the closes to what I would settle into), I would need glasses, more acne, different hairstyle and clothes and a slightly different personallity. Whats more, I got beaten up for being a 'nerd' even though I don\'t fit into the stereotype. Stereotypes are wrong on so many levels.

2. America in politics

Money is the only thing in politics in america (from what I have heard). You govenment would sell all of you to a meat factory if given enough money. I\'ll leave it at that.

3. China and self distruction

China is self distructive have already been stated. But thats the same as the USA, but no one points at the USA and says self distructive.

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