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[0.22] ISA MapSat 4.0 Dev Build


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Is there a way to get both polar views on the in-game map viewer? It seems like there is enough room under the small map. And the .exe file that is used to render the maps from the .csv files runs fine for me but wont let me input anything into the command line. All it does is render the other maps. I want to be able to get either of the polar views. Is there a fix for this? Am I just not seeing the simple thing?

If you cant tell, I have my mapper sat on a polar trajectory. I only have one and its around Kerbal. I\'m about to send number 2 up to see if I can get more of an equatorial view.

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I have looked all across my screen, and i know its supposed to be in the bottom left. I have also changed resolutions to all different kinds to see if that is the problem, but it isn\'t. I have tried many things and I still cannot see any GUI.

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Noob assed question, how do I get Mapgen to generate the data I get from Minimus and the Mun?

Also, I\'m having it where I leave the satellite mapping for a while, then switch into another craft or go to the space center... and the data I\'ve collected thus far doesn\'t seem to have been recorded or something.

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  saneman said:

I have tried many things and I still cannot see any GUI.

I can\'t help you there unless you have made a mistake with installation or did not put the mapper part on your vessel.

Put the contents of the KSP_win folder that\'s in the zip, in your KSP_win install folder.

Maybe it has a bug where the KSP install folder must be named 'KSP_win', not 'KSP_win_0_15' or somesuch.


Can this collect data while in the tracking station?


  Zenton8787 said:

I want to be able to get either of the polar views.

  Lazurkri said:

how do I get Mapgen to generate the data I get from Minimus and the Mun?

Put the attached batch file in \PluginData\isa_mapsat\

Run it, follow the menus.

I didn\'t make the batch file, credits go to someone else, use at at your own risk (it does not blow up my computer).

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  Innsewerants said:

A question and request to help hunt down an illusive problem I can not seem to reproduce on my system no matter how much I abuse mapsat, reinstall it delete its data etc:

Here\'s a fun glitch that happens sometimes in windows systems with transparency. It usually doesn\'t work and there are times where the system will show black and sometimes it will show true transparency. I opened up the files in PS and they are all transparent, that\'s where the problem is probably.

I edited the image by putting a black background on it and it works fine now. So the original png\'s are transparent and should be black. That\'s why the bug is there.

Also question, I\'m assuming that the best way to get the highest resolution image would be to have the lowest orbit possible and not warping correct?

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I edited the image by putting a black background on it and it works fine now. So the original png\'s are transparent and should be black. That\'s why the bug is there.

Confirmed, i guess: The alpha channel for all those images is black, including gui_kerbol.png (mostly) - but oddly enough all except gui_kerbol show a transparent background in Windows preview.

I gave one of the other images a white alpha channel and that one shows a black background.

Also question, I\'m assuming that the best way to get the highest resolution image would be to have the lowest orbit possible and not warping correct?


Watch out for those mountain peaks on Mun and Minmus.

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Thanks everyone for details about the transparent texture bug.

I think I have solved it, although I can\'t be 100% sure as I was unable to really reproduce it in the first place.

Expect the fix in the next release. I think tomorrow or later this evening (my time). Really soon any way.

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  rkman said:

Confirmed, i guess: The alpha channel for all those images is black, including gui_kerbol.png (mostly) - but oddly enough all except gui_kerbol show a transparent background in Windows preview.

I gave one of the other images a white alpha channel and that one shows a black background.


Watch out for those mountain peaks on Mun and Minmus.

A black alpha channel would mean that it is transparent I believe. At least that\'s how the other channels work. And yeah, I\'m currently doing a full Min map at 10km and then I\'ll find the highest altitude on that rock and adjust the orbit accordingly. And then wait the 299 hours it takes for it to do a full orbit.

Also, another question. If I cover the same area twice, is the data rewritten or is there multiple copies of the same data? I want to do several passes but if the data is just written down in the csv file as it arrives, I\'m not sure I would want to take the extra effort to do so.

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If I cover the same area twice, is the data rewritten or is there multiple copies of the same data? I want to do several passes but if the data is just written down in the csv file as it arrives, I\'m not sure I would want to take the extra effort to do so.

I\'m pretty sure the plugin does not avoid recording of duplicate data.

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Why does this plugin stomp all over the old map images whenever I open KSP?

(Mac OS X 10.6.8, 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU, AMD Radeon HD 6750M GPU, 8 GB)

(KSP 0.15.2, ISA only)

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Is it supposed to start afresh every time I launch the game? It\'d be nice if it remembered old data so that I could continue mapping from where I left off, rather than having to find time to leave the game running long enough to map the whole body. If it\'s meant to do that already, then I guess I have a bug to report; if it\'s not then this is a feature request. Either way, thanks!

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where is teh gui mapdata stored?? i did big mission to esplore all the planets and when im orbiting the sun i hit information panel and all the games gui went funny.. then the mapsat gui lost all collected data

edit... csv data is still there and gens maps....

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Just finished uploading 3.1.0

The nasty corrupt or transparent textures bug should be fixed, it had to do with saving when the part gets destroyed.

Polished the gui some, added a scale display, added polar maps and stuffs. :)



Holy f... Ok, how do I change it so that it always Stores raw data? I just realized after I left my laptop on for 8 hours that it wasn\'t on >.> I do hate how none of the options are saved when you close the program.

That\'s really because they aren\'t options but toggle controls lol. I can see about saving it instead.

  TheDarkVoid said:

Awesome Addon, but it would be nice if having multiple mappers on your craft would improve it\'s efficiency at higher altitudes.

They are still all in the same position above kerbin when they scan? So they would map the same data * amount of dishes on your craft.

  brezzell said:

Hey ppl,

Im getting a map of the munar surface, the artifacts arent showing up though. Am i doing something wrong? Help plz. :o

Artifacts show up as you discover them when you scan planetoids.

As soon as one gets picked up by the scans it gets stored and added to the overlay.

Also being just 400 pixels wide 1 pixel on the map equates to a lot of surface, just because it has colour does not mean all the terrain it represents fell within the confines of the scan, you might need a second pass to pick up an artifact. So far I found most of them on Kerbin and 1 on the mun.

I recommend to still get something like r4m0n\'s detector if you plan to land near one as said a pixel represents quite a bit of surface and so too do the markers.

Happy hunting! :P

  anaximander said:

Is it supposed to start afresh every time I launch the game? It\'d be nice if it remembered old data so that I could continue mapping from where I left off, rather than having to find time to leave the game running long enough to map the whole body. If it\'s meant to do that already, then I guess I have a bug to report; if it\'s not then this is a feature request. Either way, thanks!

No it\'s not supposed to start fresh, or with non black maps etc.

Try 3.1.0 on ksp 16.0 I suspect this will fix your problem.

It\'s probably the saving maps while in vab and hangar editing bug. It\'s fixed in this release.

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so um... dunno if theres a universal co ords system for kerbal... but a mad feature would be co-ords for the mapsat gui like in a corner showing the co-ords of mouse position on teh map... as i would use this for finding landing/munolith sites

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I just tried this mod out and was trying to reach an orbit where I was in range to collect data. However the game keeps crashing! I really would like to use this mod, and the game freezes when I try to lower my orbit. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a known bug?

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I believe its crashing as I swap from map view to normal view. The game freezes and goes non responding. I am attempting to orbit Kerbin in a polar orbit. I am on version 3.1 and game version 0.16

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I have no problem when switching views, i have two mappers in Kerbin orbit, one polar. I can\'t test for changing their orbit because the sats have no propulsion.

Unfortunately it does look like the transparency bug is back, this time with a vaguely textured background.

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