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Kron series (Kron 6 end of mission) - temporary halt of program


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Mun slingshot.


This is the closest distance to Kerbin the crew will be at in a long time. 8732 km, at 962.1 m/s, which is enough to get forever thrown out away from Kerbin's gravity well.


Resultant contracted orbit is here. It's still 1.3° inclined relative to Neidon's orbit.


Now I have to decide whether to correct the inclination (a bit over 200 m/s of expense) and then burn at periapsis (seems it helps considerably), or burn a bit before periapsis without inclination change.

Regular Hohmann transfer would last something like 9 years. How much should I cut that? 2 years?

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3rd cosmic speed achieved. And more than that. Regular Hohmann transfer would last more than 9 years. I think three times shorter was enough.



I always like to see this pattern.


The engines are cooling down. Reactor is at 5%. SAS is turned off. Remaining delta v is at least 9 km/s. Kron 5 is a rock thrown out of the solar system.

The crew is sleeping.


(Some of you might've noticed the discrepancy between the dates in the screenshots. It's because of a fatal lack of one part that caused the ship's reactor to die. I've added the part at VAB and hyperedited the ship duplicate at the same spot with the same amount of tanks. Nothing has changed except that the ship now has one extra insulator. Kron 5 can now thrust indefinitively at almost 45% power and for a couple of minutes at 100% without the reactor getting cooked even if it's turned off.)

Edited by lajoswinkler
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Hey Lajos, an idea for a future mission...send the mission in two halves! Send the lander and base parts in one set and send it ahead of the Kerbonauts. After they arrive in orbit of your chosen destination, send the Kerbonauts to the destination. Just an idea to help spice up your already Cool adventures!

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So what does first, second, and third comsic speed mean?

Here's the explanation, as well as equations.


Hey Lajos, an idea for a future mission...send the mission in two halves! Send the lander and base parts in one set and send it ahead of the Kerbonauts. After they arrive in orbit of your chosen destination, send the Kerbonauts to the destination. Just an idea to help spice up your already Cool adventures!

That is an interesting idea, but would make things easier. :D

The idea behind Kron ships is to try to send a 3.75 m based ship with all the needed equipment. It's basically a self sustaining space station and it does deploy one before heading back.

It's pretty tough to do it, hence the tweaking of the propulsion unit for every mission. I did once (I think it was with Sarnus) send a refueling tank out of precaution because it was my first manned OPM mission, but in the end it wasn't even needed.

I'll have to do it with Ablate, although I'm not even sure a Kron type mission and ship could reach it, even with refueling and all.

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