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Kron series (Kron 6 end of mission) - temporary halt of program


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Lajos you are discovering things that I never knew about. Like the depth of that crater.

Perhaps there are even deeper ones. I didn't scan it or anything. Just watched it rotate while orbiting and picked the one that looked very exciting. It's possible the one next to it is even better, I don't know. :D

But Priax really is an exciting place, good work.

- - - Updated - - -

Kron 4 is in Urlum periapsis, at the outer edge of its ring. Radiation is pretty serious.

Main engine on, full throttle.


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Engine shutdown.

Kron 4 is leaving Urlum, ionizing radiation flux is falling down.

Bill is removing the junk. Winch, spare uranium, strut endpoints, small radiators, spare food, all useless things will end up around Kerbol.

A tiny probe was also jettisoned.


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Kerty calculated the optimal burn. It will take a bit more than 1500 m/s to fall into Kerbin almost 5 years later.


Mun will be there to help if things go wrong, as well as some 6300 m/s left over in Kron 4.

Burn in one month. The crew will prepare for hibernation.

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Jebediah, the main pilot, was the last to go to cryo-sleep. He spent a month with Kerty, but now it's time for rest.


Kerty is alone again. Antennas and radiators are retracted. The ship is falling towards Kerbin.

Start guessing the maximum reentry speed.

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No way I'm driving anywhere. I don't have the patience. :D

Kerty will survive, of course.

Let's speed up the time. It's a bit more than 7 days before reentry occurs. Kron 4 is falling with an enormous speed.


With some luck, I'll end up somewhere close to the equator.



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