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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted, but since null and null is all, you get everything in the universe inside your bag, it creates a blackhole and you die.

I wish i was not born (paradox, if I was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wished I was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wishedI was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wishedI was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wished I was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wished I was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wished I was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wished I was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wishedI was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wished I was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wishedI was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wishedI was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wishedI was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wished I was not born then I did not wish I was not born, therefor I was born and I wished...

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Granted; you will be eating a special dish of internet crime with a side of Daikon Island, Japan. On a parabolic antennae filled with chinese poets. I wish I could come up with a wish.


(Go to the Wiki disambiguations to decode what I just said.)

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Granted, but you wish for something that kills everyone.

I wish to be incapable of fear, but still keep my current beliefs about death.


5 hours ago, cantab said:

I wish people knew that Frankenstein's monster wasn't called Frankenstein.

But he is called Frankenstein:


Edited by cubinator
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Granted; because of your lack of fear, curiosity for the truth of your beliefs in death will win over and you will do something suicidal to find out. 'Cause no fear. I wish... that everything I draw (ships, airplanes, rockets) came alive at night

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6 minutes ago, EVA_Reentry/Strangelove II said:

Granted; your power button does not connect to anything. Enjoy your blank screen.

I wish that tardigrades could fly 

Granted, and they invade your house and coat your toilet seat.

i wish my grass would mow itself. 


Edited by PB666
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Granted, but your sandwich is stuck in a very close orbit to the Event Horizon of a black hole, veiled by a gargantuan torrent of charged particles and atoms caught in extreme time dilation. By the time you retrieve your sandwich, everyone you love would have died of old age.


I wish for a new swivel chair because the other one broke.

Edited by TheSealBrigade
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Granted. It has wheels with no brakes. Such a shame that a mine collapsed under your house and now your floor is at a slope that's just enough that the chair always rolls downhill.

I wish for a quick and safe drive home.

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