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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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6 hours ago, rlin said:

Granted, but in a series of wars between dolphins, all dolphins are eradicated.

I wish for me to get 100 incorruptible wishes.

Granted, you get i*Oincorruptible wishes.

I wish saturday mornings were not so boring. 


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You have a very nice sushi conveyor belt running in between your keyboard and monitor with dishes prepared by the finest japanese sushi chef in the world!
Alas, after the 13th time of eating the fugu your number comes up and you die. Even the best sushi chefts make mistakes...

I wish for a KSP controller with all the bells and whisles (not real or fake bells and whisles either!).

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3 hours ago, cantab said:

I wish Juno would find an enigmatic monolith.

Granted, but it "finds it" by crashing into it at several kilometers per second. No magnetosphere data for you!

I wish there were 1:1 scale holograms of artificial and natural cloud-sized structures and objects floating near clouds to show their scale. For instance, giant buildings like the Burj Khalifa, notable asteroids and comets such as 4342 Munroe and 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko, mountains like Everest, any object on a similar scale to show how huge the clouds are. There also must be a size indicator in meters, and I want the ability to turn it off at will.

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8 hours ago, EliasDanger said:

Granted, but its still so early in its development that all you get are some 3d wire meshes of rocket parts.

I wish we could send a probe to the afterlife and see what's there.


Granted, but the probe comes back and tells you that you are screwed but then self destructs before he tells you why, the last image is of rod serling laughing. 

I wish ISS had an attached space factory that could build stuff, like green houses, and small earth orbiting satellites, the cannae drive. 

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Granted, but the big bosses of the earth economy shut down the ISS (And nasa, the European space agency, and the Russian space program) before it can be used, because they spent all their money on golden jumbo jets.

I wish that squad would implement an upgraded .625 meter Juno engine with hight thrust vectoring and afterburner.


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1 hour ago, cantab said:

Granted. Everyone stops watching after 10 seconds.

I wish everyone would take the 1000 yard walk. http://www.noao.edu/education/peppercorn/pcmain.html

Granted, apocalypse is brought unto (model of) Solar System by a horde of toddlers..

I wish less rain and freezing wind in my city during winter.

Edited by viktor19
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