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Modding Mondays: MovieTime


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<p><img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/f877983c4f5dc185bb3b4a0e8611b711/tumblr_inline_nh06rwRDKx1rr2wit.jpg"/></p>

<p><a href="http://bit.ly/1zOXUEq"><img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/a18072534ac99fba0fc940cb79efb952/tumblr_inline_nh0703tq3n1rr2wit.png"/></a></p>

<p><strong>bernierm</strong>'s <a href="http://bit.ly/1zOXUEq"><strong>MOVIETIME</strong></a> allows you to experience the nostalgia of an old school space launch by adding filters and animations that entirely change the look of the game. From static and jitter-filled 1960’s television sets to the black and white theater newsreels, <strong>MovieTime</strong> has just the look to put your immersive experience right over the top.</p>

<p>Find out more about <strong>MovieTime</strong> <a href="http://bit.ly/1zOXUEq"><strong>HERE</strong></a>.</p>

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Did you ever notice how most spotlighted mods come from Curseforge?

Did you ever notice that many mods are also on Curseforge?

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war, should there be ten spotlights in a row with mods exclusively available from curseforge. :wink:

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Did you ever notice how most spotlighted mods come from Curseforge?

Call me crazy, but I assume that's intentional since Curse is KSP's official mod repository. Squad might be trying to support its use.

Personally, I wish the social media team would link to the release posts in the forum. That's just a personal preference though, and not prescriptive. Besides, I'm always happy when they actually remember to include a link.

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Many of those mods are also available on GitHub and, therefore can be accessed through CKAN addon manager, unlike most that are ONLY available on Curse; since Curse won't open up their API to allow connections from CKAN.

Curse everyone, they are who we knew they were...

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Many of those mods are also available on GitHub and, therefore can be accessed through CKAN addon manager, unlike most that are ONLY available on Curse; since Curse won't open up their API to allow connections from CKAN.

Curse everyone, they are who we knew they were...

And from the mod's own forum thread...


Pretty obvious that Squad would choose the download from their official mod-repo partners first, but a little googling goes a long way.

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And from the mod's own forum thread...


Pretty obvious that Squad would choose the download from their official mod-repo partners first, but a little googling goes a long way.

Perhaps you should re-read my forum post Technicalfool. At no time did I ever state that MovieTime isn't available on GitHub or KerbalStuff. My statement was going to those mods that are ONLY available on Cursed.

I understand, as a moderator, you need to semi-tow the company line when it comes to Cursed (one Moderator lost his position due to not)...but there was no reason for this...nothing I said in my post was untrue or disingenuous...what was the point?

Also...why not link to the FORUM post instead of a direct link to the download page? Assumedly people want to find out about the mod in question before downloading...

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Perhaps you should re-read my forum post Technicalfool. At no time did I ever state that MovieTime isn't available on GitHub or KerbalStuff. My statement was going to those mods that are ONLY available on Cursed.

I understand, as a moderator, you need to semi-tow the company line when it comes to Cursed (one Moderator lost his position due to not)...but there was no reason for this...nothing I said in my post was untrue or disingenuous...what was the point?

Also...why not link to the FORUM post instead of a direct link to the download page? Assumedly people want to find out about the mod in question before downloading...

You aren't the only person in this thread who is mentioning the preference for Curse, perhaps I should have multi-quoted everyone. I'm simply giving you a pretty good reason as to why Squad might promote Curse over other mod repos. I haven't been given any kind of special information in that regard; it's just a bit of fairly-obvious deduction.

However, I did link to the forum thread.

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However, I did link to the forum thread.

Yes, and that is greatly appreciated. I was speaking of the OP, however.

IMO (and others on this very thread) the Modding Mondays OP should include a link to the FORUM post, not an obfuscated link to Cursed.

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Interesting mod, I can see the KSP YouTubers having a field day making cinematics with it. The night vision feature is pretty cool, too. I imagine those who play with that Steampunk mod might like the sepia tones.

Why are we talking about where it's hosted? Let's talk about the mod itself.

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Certainly not something for everyday use, but interesting nonetheless. Although for proper videos I'd prefer to add those effects in post processing...

While I understand Squad's preference for promoting their official repository, I still don't get why there have to be two links to the Cursed site, and not one to the mod's thread here on Squad's own forums. Thanks to everyone who provided alternative links ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Did you ever notice how most spotlighted mods come from Curseforge?

The original release of the product actually had links to my dropbox account, but people told me I'd quickly have problems with that. I then moved it to KerbalStuff and github and then Curse a few days after that. Like most devs, my only incentive to putting it anywhere is to increase exposure and downloads.

Squad likely has some level of management over their Curse presence, whereas it has none with KerbalStuff. It seems perfectly logical that if a mod is available on both sites, that Squad link to the site it has some control over, rather than a third-party site that could go rogue at any time (you never know...).

Observation: For MovieTime, KerbalStuff downloads outstrip Curse by a factor of 4. I seem to remember seeing a spike in downloads on Curse around Christmas, I had no idea why until I saw this post today. Thanks Squad!

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Did you ever notice how most spotlighted mods come from Curseforge?

There was actually some tension about this a few months ago, especially given how much drama happened in the wake of SQUAD moving mod hosting to Curse, which really divided the community. IIRC, there was a game mod that got a spotlight and was purported to have requested to be added to Curse by the SQUAD. In the wake of that, there may have been a post by one of the Devs that only Curse-hosted mods would be eligible for spotlights, but they retracted the position pretty quickly.

Some of the exact details there may not 100% accurate, but that's what I recall happening.

Anyway, pretty much any mod is eligible for a spotlight, now, regardless of where it's hosted. I don't think it'd be possible to actually generate truly convincing evidence about some kind of bias, and if you could, it's still SQUAD's house, they'll run it how they want.

But, as many people have pointed out, I think it's more of an issue most of the mods on Curse, so most of the featured mods will be on curse.

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