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Share your worst encounters with conspiracy theorists


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I won\'t even mention reptillians and 9/11....

I\'m in an argument with some guy on youtube right now who says Freedom 7 wasn\'t real... This guy is a well-known moon hoax believer on youtube that says the only reason they weren\'t real is because of the Van Allen Belts, but now he\'s resorted to claiming that sub orbital flight is not real either. If you want to see the video he claims proves its fake, here:

He says that because Shepard\'s voice does not sound strained and the rocket is not shaking violently, the whole flight is faked.

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You can\'t reason someone out of a position they didn\'t reason themselves into.

These people have beliefs that are not based on sound logic and evidence, therefore it\'s impossible to use sound logic and evidence to convince them otherwise. They are best ignored and left to shrivel and dry up under the hard sun of reality.


Capt\'n Skunky

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I\'ve done my fair share of investigation into a whole variety of conspiracies and theories. I separate these words as some are just wako theories but others are undoubtedly conspiracies. If i was to list and explain my reasons for all the one\'s I believe are make believe fantasy and one\'s which seem to hit some truths, I\'d need my own website and server it would be that big...

..having said that the whole theory of the moon landings being a hoax a don\'t buy at all. The only thing I have a doubt about is some of the footage we were shown from the first landing. And that is only with the footage and not the fact they landed or not, I believe they did land on the moon.

If anyone is interested in why I have doubts in some of this footage, it\'s got to do with my love for movies and Stanley Kubrick films.

I do struggle to really see any motive NASA would have for faking any part of it to fool people into thinking its real except to maybe not give anything away to any rivals such as the Russians in regards to technology and how they went about it.

....and besides you can\'t blame people for thinking NASA are a little dodgy when telling the truth as their name does after all stands for Never A Straight Answer ;P

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Does arguing with dug in political opposition count? I\'ve down my fair share of that and in fat doing that now too bad they already resorted to insults, such a shame they have an argument based on shady sources. I\'ve asked for them repeatedly but still they haven\'t brought any to the table, admittedly I haven\'t either but I have them and I\'m more than willing to show them, too bad they think they can insult me until I give in.

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That is pretty funny, but it\'s nothing compared to some...Like the 'Hollow Earth theory' lol. I\'d love it to be true but omg has science not taught us anything

Have you seen the \'the earth is hollow, and we\'re on the inside people?

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Have you seen the \'the earth is hollow, and we\'re on the inside people?

I did get a glim\'s of something but I dismissed it as my glasses being a prescription that would make most feel they are doing a handstand whilst swigging sailor jerry\'s :P

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I was talking about the moon landing.

Five seconds later my classmate comes up to me and says the moon landing was fake.

So I had to sit there for a half hour explaining to him how wrong he was.

Yeah, I had a classmate explain to me why it was fake. It took me about 10 seconds to smash all his arguments.

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