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You don't forget your chute, so don't forget your KSP gifts


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<p><a href="http://bit.ly/1fUQQjy"><img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/e45f77161f474abe2973dcf789a11c0c/tumblr_inline_nh0h4gzH3E1rr2wit.jpg"/></a></p>

<p>Giving the gift of KSP is sure to put others in orbit!<br/><br/>Kerbal Space Program is going for 25% off on <a href="http://bit.ly/1fUQQjy"><strong>STEAM</strong></a>. The <a href="http://bit.ly/1FJ97co"><strong>SHAPEWAYS</strong></a> KSP 3D prints are among some of their biggest items and of course, we’ve got our own <a href="http://bit.ly/1sS0h4h"><strong>CAFEPRESS</strong></a> shop. <br/><br/>All feature plenty of ways to spread the joy of science and fiery hijinks, wrapped up in green.<br/><br/>Make sure you’re good, too. jeffmcdowalldesign’s Kerbal on a shelf is watching!</p>

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Well I don't know if I can get any gifts for my kerbal IRL friends, but I've got a little Christmas forum gift open in video studio right now. I hope you all enjoy it when It's completed :).

EDIT: Video is up

. Edited by Avera9eJoe
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