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[1.1.2] K2 Command Pod: Two Kerbal stock-alike pod (v1.4)


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K2 Command Pod

version 1.4

This mod adds a single part, the K2 Command Pod. This pod supports 2 Kerbals (but only requires 1 - making it handy for rescue missions). This allows you to send pilots and engineers/scientists on missions together, prior to unlocking the Mk 1-2 pod.

The K2 pod unlocks with the Flight Control tech. It is balanced to encourage a good base of initial single-Kerbal missions before stepping up to two-Kerbal missions, where you can start training your engineers and scientists to prep for larger missions in the future.



  • Support for 2 Kerbals (min. 1)
  • Fully functional IVA
  • Stock-alike style inspired by the Gemini capsule
  • 1.25m size with a top 0.625m node
  • Balanced to fit between the stock 1- and 3-Kerbal pods
  • Module Manager configs (included) support TAC Life Support and Connected Living Spaces right out of the box



SpaceDock http://spacedock.info/mod/700/K2%20Command%20Pod

Curse: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/226484-k2-command-pod

Also integrated into the CKAN mod repository. Get CKAN here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-%28CKAN%29-Package-Manager-v1-6-12-30-Apr-2015


Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike



1. Copy the files into GameData


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v 1.4

- Updated for KSP 1.1.2

v 1.3.3

- Updated for KSP 1.0.4

- Added Heat Conduction settings to part config

v 1.3.2

- Fixed lighting being too low in IVA portraits

v 1.3.1

- Had mistakenly left out a small window texture file

v 1.3

- Added IVA

- Converted textures to DDS

- Moved 1 tier earlier in tech tree

- Tweaked flag decal to fix z-fighting issue


- Added license information to download


- Updated to KSP 1.0


Minor adjustments to the capsule texture (a shade lighter overall)


Initial release


Edited by jfjohnny5
1.1.2 Update
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  Motokid600 said:
This is looking great. More pictures would be good in a better light. I'd also like to see what it looks like on top of a rocket. Have you considered a launch escape tower for it by chance?

Just added two "daylight" images to the album - in the VAB and on the launchpad.

I'll consider the tower for a future part, but the next task is adding an IVA to this one.

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  Jarin said:
Like the concept and stats. Not at all a fan of the "pinstripe suit" look though :huh:. Not very stock-like appearance in my eyes. Otherwise, keep up the good work!.

I like the look in general, but I think it's the red that's a bit jarring. If that were white it would be way closer to stock I think.

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I really like this capsule. Works really well!

I did not like the red bit either so I adjusted the textures a little bit. It took me about 10 minutes to figure out how to do this.


I'm not going to post my .png files though out of respect for the creator of this modification. Just showing you how easy it is to customize it to your liking without having the creator do all the work for you.

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Wow, I didn't expect such a response to one bit of detailing. I absolutely welcome any constructive criticism. Still, I will say it wasn't an arbitrary or random decision. In the same way that Squad drew inspiration from the Mercury capsule for the Mk 1 design, and the Apollo capsule for the Mk 1-2, I drew inspiration from the Gemini capsule in my design decisions for the K2 capsule. I felt the Gemini had a few defining characteristics that I wanted to draw from, and implement into an overall style that fit with stock. I didn't want to make a straight replica of Gemini (as that already exists in the fantastic FASA pack) - just use elements of it to drive my own design. Some of those elements were the long "nose" section, the forward-facing windows, and the use of red as an accent color. Here's a link to one of the reference images used for inspiration. I'm very happy with the way the design came out. I'm incredibly appreciative of the response and feedback so far!

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After looking at images of the Gemini I realized you did a very good job for turning this into "stock-like". The texture is simple but pretty detailed once you look closely at it. I just modified it to compliment some of my other add ons. I did not mean to infer that your texture is inferior. It is great!

Really enjoying this capsule. I like the two person capacity while keeping the capsule small/slim. I look forward to your other add ons! :)

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I can't figure out why, whenever I use this pod the camera lowers its focus away from the craft after every 6000m. The camera slowly starts to lag behind the craft until a minute or so later the craft is 1km above where the camera is focused. It looks exactly like this.

It's a very sudden and very consistent effect at that altitude when only using this pod.


Edit: Words and stuff.

Edit 2: Testing:

Edit 3: Even further testing:

After further testing, this bug only appears when I'm using Real Chutes and have attached a parachute to the craft. At 6000m the parachute (any parachute) disappears/detaches itself from the craft (regardless of placement). Then the camera, trying to follow the newly adjusted CoM from the parachute detachment, slides downwards further and further.

If I remove all parachutes OR remove the Real Chute mod, then this bug goes away. And again, it only happens when flying with the K2 capsule.

Very strange... Do I need a special MM config to make this capsule compatible with Real Chutes? I only thought that were necessary if the part included a parachute (which this doesnt, as far as I know...).

Any help making these two wonderful mods play together nicely would be appreciated! Thanks!

Edit 4: Figured it out.

Sorry, I pointed the finger in the wrong direction!

Something in the Real Chute update causes this problem with all pods/chutes at 6000m for me. Reverting back to Real Chute fixed this bug!

Edited by visivante
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Quick status update:

Continuing to work on the IVA. Most of the models are blocked in. About half done with UV mapping. The tricky parts remain - getting it to work right in the Unity-KSP pipeline, then adding all the props. Whew, IVAs are a lot more work than basic parts. :P


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  jfjohnny5 said:
Quick status update:

Continuing to work on the IVA. Most of the models are blocked in. About half done with UV mapping. The tricky parts remain - getting it to work right in the Unity-KSP pipeline, then adding all the props. Whew, IVAs are a lot more work than basic parts. :P


Can't wait for the IVA. Looks amazing! Is this supposed to be like a Gemini Capsule mock-up or something? :P

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  cmc19 said:
Can I just say. This part is really missing from the stock game. I would love to see it integrated in to stock!

After using this command pod for hours I came back here to say just this. I really hope Squad sees this and chooses to implement it in a future release like they did with the Spaceplane parts!

The IVA is coming along beautifully! Thanks so much for taking the time to do it right, your work is appreciated!

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