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[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15


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Crzyrndm is correct.

1. Impossible to implement without completely rewriting how geometry is generated.

2. Increased root thickness + editor offset tool helps with that, or if you want independent slope just near the connection point, attach a reversed wing segment to the inward-facing plane of your main wing, and make it tip-wide and tip-high. Or use low span root-thick wings near fuselage segments which can have big sloping from thickness without spreading it into the main part of the wing span.

3. I'll look into it once I finish modeling MK2 update for the B9 pack.

4. Already in.

And on a side note I am running this with FAR and they do seem to work ok.. maybe not to full potential I guess. But my planes do fly while running FAR.

Yes after reading 75 pages of forum posts I found the answers to my questions... But thanks for the reply.

As to the Fuel bit. I was looking for it on your new GUI rather than the tweak GUI so I missed it. I guess this is not possible to add on yours? or just redundant and thus not priority?

EDIT: as a test I went and removed all the pWings from my plane and indeed the CoL does not change as I remove the wings. so no these are not working with FAR I need to retract that statement. All lift is from the Lifting body and the small bits of wing that were not pWings.

Edited by Bit Fiddler
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As to the Fuel bit. I was looking for it on your new GUI rather than the tweak GUI so I missed it. I guess this is not possible to add on yours? or just redundant and thus not priority?

EDIT: as a test I went and removed all the pWings from my plane and indeed the CoL does not change as I remove the wings. so no these are not working with FAR I need to retract that statement. All lift is from the Lifting body and the small bits of wing that were not pWings.

1) Fuel switch is at the bottom of the custom UI (right at the bottom, defaults to: "STR(0) | Next Tank Setup")

2) Patched or just the 0.90 folder from the OP? If patched, logs. If not, drop the files from here on top of it

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Issues with FAR was on FARs end, that should be fixed in dev version, as ferram reported, so it should be able to work just fine with FAR.

Issues left with B9PW is that aerodynamic forces are not shown properly in flight on aerodynamic overlay. That was fixed but not released to public yet.

Also resizing control surfaces in SPH/VAB editor cause small memory leak that could CTD game if you don't watch memory used carefuly.

If you are aware of that memory leak than you can watch used memory and save craft before reaching limit and CTD, so it is not big deal if you know workaround.

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hmm may need to check FAR version... as yes I am patched with the new DLL here.

Seems I have the latest FAR installed...

So the question still remains. Does pwing support FAR and vice versa? if these 2 mods are supposed to work together I will have to go strip down an install and test it, as I just reconfirmed that when I remove the pwing parts from my SSTO the CoL indicator does not move at all. Or is this a bug in the CoL indicator? I have read a few posts that seem to indicate it is just a display error for the CoL indicator.



I will have to strip an install down to just FAR and these wings to see if this still holds true. As if may be some other mod mucking things up. I will report back after I do this.

Ok Fresh install... FAR v0.15.2, ModularFlightIntefrator v1.0.0, pWingForked v1.2.2.0



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To add to Bit Fiddler's post, I have a similar problem using the base download and FAR. The voxelization in FAR does not seem to be happening equally across the mirror causing one wing to lift and not the other. It's affecting my designs as they do not get enough lift and there is a constant roll to one side. A bunch of images here, so watch out. I couldn't figure out how to do a spoiler :/.


^My plane and the lift it is receiving. vs. CoM.


Debug voxel mode. Voxels are much stronger(?) on one side than the other.

I have also posted this in the FAR thread.

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That voxelization problem is already reported in FAR earlier. Happens also with stock parts only. Ferram reported that he fixed this in developer version available on github, but unfortunately this bug is not solved yet. Be patient for proper FAR fix.

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I was reported this bug even without wings in this post. It is without wings at all.

Don't have enough knowlage to help with KSP modding, but I doing what I can when comes to testing and pinpointing possible reasons for bugs.

I hope that Bac9 or Crzyrndm will be able to fix it soon.

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ferram4 said in his thread that this bug needs to be fixed on this end. Also ksc123 if your vessel has already been built and voxels applied the parts need to be reconnected to show a voxelisation update from version to version of ferram's mod. I found that out when I tested it yesterday.

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Temporary fix for the FAR voxelisation issue can be downloaded here: https://github.com/Crzyrndm/B9-PWings-Fork/blob/master/GameData/B9_Aerospace/Plugins/B9_Aerospace_WingStuff.dll?raw=true

It may break the material selection in a few places / cause colourisation issues but it will function correctly (or atleast it has so far).


Only breakage seems to be material selection for the top / bottom surfaces. Colouring works fine, edges are fine, top/bottom just has no texture at all...

Edited by Crzyrndm
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Temporary fix for the FAR voxelisation issue can be downloaded here: https://github.com/Crzyrndm/B9-PWing...f.dll?raw=true

It may break the material selection in a few places / cause colourisation issues but it will function correctly (or atleast it has so far).

So, I just registered on the forum for the first time, ONLY so I could say, "Thank You, Crzyrndm!"

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We have found an actual reason for the voxelization issue - negative scale being applied to any part with mirrorRefAxis config parameter, which will introduce incorrect vertex ordering into triangles. The parameter is rarely used, hence it makes it seem like the problem is specific to B9-PW, but it isn't. There will be a fix in the next version of FAR, I think.

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There will be a fix in the next version of FAR, I think.

Latest dev version of FAR on Github has resolved the issue. Anyone using the latest FAR builds no longer needs to be using the hack that I linked a few posts up to make this work with the release version.

To be perfectly clear:

Using FAR 15.2 "Ferri" Release

  • Install Bac9's files from the OP
  • Download the hack to make it work

Using FAR 15.dev or Stock

  • Install Bac9's files from the OP


Updated for v0.40 release

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Is there any way possible to make wings bigger than 16 meters width/lenght? If not, I'll leave it as a suggestion then. Even with 16x16 size, big ships still takes way too many wing parts.

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I ran into an issue last night while streaming on Twitch. I was attempting to build a space shuttle and when I turned on aerodynamic forces to view the lift being generated by the wings on the orbiter, it appeared that lifting body forces were being generated by the wings and no wing lift (cyan lines instead of the dark blue lines). The control surfaces were also creating lifting body forces and not control surface forces (again, cyan instead of yellow).

Is this a known issue? And if so, is there a fix for it.

If you need logs or screenshots, I can furnish those on request.

Edit: Never mind, that's how FAR treats every aerodynamic surface.

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Just an FYI:

I do run KVV with this mod and it works fine. The wings display in the correct shape, size, and texture. I have not done extensive testing, but so far it has been fine.

And thanks for the new textures. I did find a work around with the old textures by tweaking the coloring, and texture sliders a bit. But a purpose made texture pack will be far better.

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Some issues I have to look at before releasing:

- Specular material settings are out of whack, completely different from very specific values other parts are using

- Tiny buttons to the left and right of the sliders no longer move values in steps (they were introduced to make fixed width stuff like 2m, 3m, 7m pieces easier to configure) and instead ram into min/max values with a single click

- Stock drag cubes are recalculated on every geometry change - unless they directly affect CoL, with the absence of any drag visualization tools in stock it might be better to keep that laggy process running just once, on flight scene startup

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