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[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15


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Just now, fallout2077 said:

No worries... we all help out when we can. As Blowfish said, posts can get rather hidden in these threads. By the way, you may also wish to check out another fork by Izy... according to his thread, he picked up maintenance of the mod. So, it would probably be a good idea to check his Pwings thread for updates. Here's a link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126997-plugin112b9-procedural-parts-modified-032-may-23/&page=1

thank you :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there. I am experiencing the solid black surface issue with 0.40.7 on Debian Testing x86_64 with Intel integrated video. No point in screenshots I guess, it looks the same as in @CrisK's post.

Logs (clean installation with only PWings) : KSP.logPlayer.log but I don't see anything suspicious in them. Unfortunately I don't have enough time now to investigate (sorry).

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Ah, there are commits after release, why didn't it occur to me to check out master... Anyway, it's different, something wrong with edge opacity and/or location:


and I was not able to bring up wing editor window (J button does not work). Now there are NREs in the log: Player.logKSP.log

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10 minutes ago, Konnor said:

Ah, there are commits after release, why didn't it occur to me to check out master... Anyway, it's different, something wrong with edge opacity and/or location:


and I was not able to bring up wing editor window (J button does not work). Now there are NREs in the log: Player.logKSP.log

When posting logs, always post the output_log.txt (you can find it inside the KSP_Data or KSP_x64_Data folder, depending on whether or not you're running KSP in x64). But, just in case you didn't install it correctly, you have to extract the archive file when you downloaded the master and cut and paste the "B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings" folder into your GameData folder. And do you have Module Manager installed? Make sure you have latest version of MM installed (2.6.25 is the most recent version).

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I'm going to take a wild guess & say that the shader assetbundle is missing - check in the mod's directory for wingshader.ksp ( if it's not there, this is a link to the file on github ).

If it's not that, then that looks ugly :S.

Edit: checked log, wingshader.ksp is present. Ugly it is ( seems the shader isn't being constructed, so it probably picked a default one ).

Edited by Van Disaster
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@fallout2077 log location is platform-dependent, Linux version of Unity player writes logs to  ~/.config/unity3d. As for module manager, I don't have it in this clean install but tried with another, its presence does not change anything (also, I believe module manager adjusts some wing parameters for FAR, RF, MFT but is not actually required for PWings)

@Van Disaster wingshader is there; I've also tried the shader from release with library from master and vice versa — it seems that behavior depends on library alone (i.e. always black surface with older library, always misplaced something with newer one).

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Yeah, the pre 1.1 dll will never work - the method of loading shaders is deprecated & doesn't work on opengl platforms at all.

It's possible the bundled shader might have inadvertently been built without OpenGL support - you can try this wingshader.ksp I built a couple of months ago, which was tested on a Mac so is known to be ok for OpenGL. Use it with the dll from current.

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1 hour ago, Konnor said:


Shader compilation failed. And surface is all black again.

That looks a little worrying & not from the point of view of this mod... of course "WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'KSP/Specular Layered' - Pass 'FORWARD' has no vertex shader" is also a bit disconcerting given... well, it has a default one, I thought. I'll poke a bit tomorrow & crosscheck flags & what-have-you.

@Crzyrndmjust checking: what targets did you specify when you built the assetbundle?

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21 minutes ago, Konnor said:

@Crzyrndm shader compilation failed again


"[B9 PWings] Wing shader "KSP/Specular Layered" loaded" - I'm *hoping* that error message wasn't mistaken :P

I'm not really familiar with Unity shader errors yet ( someone wake Sarbian up ) - but there are multiple compiled shaders in one shader asset, so I guess some of them will try and fail ( spectacularily, in the case of that internal shader that's spewing all over the log ). However that looks somewhat successful in the end...

What was the visible error this time? black, or stuff missing? did you get a menu when you hit J?

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24 minutes ago, Konnor said:

Oh, sorry, should have mentioned it. It's black, J menu works. Actually, it's somewhat usable at this state; solid black has some aesthetics of its own...

Have you tried changing any of the surface parameters? it's possible the lighting function is failing ( which would be my fault but probably fixable somehow ), but also possible the surface texture is not in a compatible format, although that should show up in the log I'd hope.

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3 minutes ago, Crzyrndm said:

I haven't been able to replicate the shader compiling issue, but I can make thing wings black by running with an older version of opengl (launch options: -popupwindow -force-glcore32). Possibly related?

Useful, even if it isn't - I doubt it'll be a hard problem to fix, it's not a very complex shader. I'll take a look tomorrow.

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Hmm, interesting - it does go black for me forcing an older OGL too - but it seems to respond to lighting in the SPH, so either it's falling back to default ( Specular in this case ) or it's *not* the lighting - I checked my lighting function vs the stock KSP one and the only difference is variable names, so I guess it's not that. The catalog preview works though ( I don't know what shader the catalog uses ).

In which case, we need to check the texture, possibly get some more detailed logging from the shader compilation? I think I might have to build an object to muck around with the shader in Unity - I dropped Bac9 a message about asset source but I don't think he saw it.

Also perhaps let's raise this on github...

I suppose the other thing is the way it uses vertices for colour data - if that's incompatible then the only way round it is a fair bit of rewriting.

Much later edit: of course we forgot that it might be a Unity problem... :facepalm: ( there's a fair number of complaints about the same thing on iOS & WebGL platforms ). What puzzles me is how the KSP shaders still work when we're not doing anything different ( another shader of mine also reverts to fallback under OGL 3.2 ), so I suspect something in the shader compilation.

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Definitely related, I do run KSP with -force-glcore switch (without it most of UI is not rendered — so I can't start new game, load a save etc, a known bug of Linux version of KSP/Unity iirc). Though I didn't specify an exact version until now.

Tried 32, 33, 42, 44, 45, all with the same result.

Oh, and the surface does indeed react to SPH lighting now; so it is not a black body, just shiny black. Also, side edges are rendered fine, only surface is black.


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Yeah, the sides use a different shader - I'm pretty sure it's something in the shader build process rather than a problem in the shader itself, and I'm starting to believe it's Unity doing it ( not least because it still does it if I build a really basic shader & use my own shader loader ). When I have time I'll try building with some older versions of Unity if I can persuade PartTools to run on them.

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So I just had the bright idea of actually checking the logs to see which opengl version was being used, and it does appear this is the cause (From the original logs: SM: 40 (OpenGL 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 11.2.2), also: Args: KSP.x86_64 -force-glcore33 ). The shiny black with proper tip sections is also exactly what I was seeing

I'm guessing either the reason the forced version switches dont help is that either hardware or drivers dont currently support anything higher than 3.3

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