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[1.1.2] Kerbal Konstructs v0.9.7.1 - Slopey Glidey


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  On 12/29/2014 at 9:52 AM, AlphaAsh said:

If you can reproduce the problem and want to post for help, you're now more likely to get help from me if you're specific about the issue and report the bug along with the following:

  • Version of KSP.
  • 64 bit or 32 bit.
  • Platform.
  • Path of KSP install.
  • A KSP.log from the root of that install after reproducing the issue, returning to KSC and exiting the game.
  • Version of Kerbal Konstructs.
  • Path of Kerbal Konstructs install.
  • A list of other mods you have installed.
  • A screenshot of the problem happening, if you think it might help.

-Version KSP 1.1.2

-64 Bit

-Windows 7 Ultimate edition

-C:\Program Files\Steam Games on SSD Directory\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program

-KSP.log is attached below

-Current version of Kerbal Constructs: Kerbal Konstructs (KerbalKonstructs

-Current version of second problem mod: StageRecovery (StageRecovery 1.6.4)

-C:\Program Files\Steam Games on SSD Directory\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KerbalKonstructs

-List of other mods attached below

-Screenshot attached below



Hello! I am having a problem with the mod 'StageRecovery'. I went to the StageRecovery thread and posted this report:

The author of stage recovery instructed me to first update my mods, and then to crosspost to your thread. He claims that it is a problem between 'StageRecovery' and 'KerbalKonstructs'. The specific problem is that as the rocket re-enters the atmosphere, the parts that you discard (that would be recovered with StageRecovery) explode, but not just once. They explode several times a second, with each explosion generating a report, which means that if you fall through the atmosphere for awhile you can get 11,000+ reports. I had to download an 'AutoLeftClicker' program to click the X on all 11,000 boxes hahaha. Otherwise I have no idea how someone would fix that. 

Here is a link to my KSP.log... Note that this link will expire 26 days after this post.


Here is a modlist:

  Reveal hidden contents


Here is a screenshot: mpLbD5v.jpg





Final note: Please do let me know if you need more information, or anything else. I would be happy to provide it if possible.


Thank you for your modding efforts!




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v0.9.6.8_EX now available. See OP for links.


  • This is an experimental version. That means it has new features that aren't necessarily finished.
  • It may also mean bugs.
  • If you don't like experimental features or risk of bugs, then don't update.
  • Added Master Export function to Developer Mode. Use this to do a batch export of ALL instances to KerbalKonstructs/ExportedInstances/Master.
  • This function doesn't care if an instance is a CustomInstance or not.
  • The organisation is much tidier in the Master folder than when using the other export functions.
  • Added a GroupCenter and RefCenter property to instances. If you don't want to wait for Kerbin-Side to update with these, please use the Master Export function and they'll be included in the exported cfgs.
  • Proceed with caution - advanced stuff for developers only in this version of KK.

Developer Mode is activated through KK's Settings, accessible through the Space-Center app. Click Developer Mode and two useful buttons appear beneath, Master Export and Clean Core Configs. Use with caution!

Edited by AlphaAsh
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v0.9.6.8_EX just arrived via CKAN. I'm getting a crash to desktop attempting to switch to the base on Kerbin I was assembling yesterday. Windows, 64bit KSP, a pile of other mods involved.

Edited by stub
Reverting didn't fix it, so I can't blame this update.
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  On 5/14/2016 at 11:37 AM, Enceos said:

@AlphaAsh Is there a way to increase the default fuel flow rate for the Fuel Tank? x10 still feels super slow and is not affected by any time warp.



There's room in the GUI for a couple more buttons so can do. x25 and x100 do?

  On 5/12/2016 at 6:33 PM, OddFunction said:

-C:\Program Files\Steam Games on SSD Directory\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KerbalKonstructs


Isn't that a windows protected directory? Might be a simple case that the dll is being locked up. I'm struggling to track down your issue, so might be worth a try moving your Steam install out of there.

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  On 5/14/2016 at 12:29 PM, AlphaAsh said:

There's room in the GUI for a couple more buttons so can do. x25 and x100 do?


Do you ever use the x1 speed? :) I'd change the default flow which is then multiplied by the buttons, but if you think you need that low x1 speed, then x25 and x100 buttons will do.

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  On 5/14/2016 at 12:36 PM, Enceos said:

Do you ever use the x1 speed? :) I'd change the default flow which is then multiplied by the buttons, but if you think you need that low x1 speed, the x25 and x100 buttons will do.


It's by frame, not a counter. I could probably just multiply the minimum though. It's mostly left for those who want the extra precision. Personally, no I don't use x1.

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  On 5/14/2016 at 12:38 PM, AlphaAsh said:

It's by frame, not a counter. I could probably just multiply the minimum though. It's mostly left for those who want the extra precision. Personally, no I don't use x1.


And I've never met those who need extra precision :wink:

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Hey @AlphaAsh, was there ever any form of patching done to allow fuel tanks more diversity of fuels?  Mainly because Real Fuels turns most cases of plain Liquid Fuel, into Kerosene, and there's one instance with Kash Corp vehicles that utilizes Petrol.

If I know what to do, I might be able to whip up a MM patch that adds fuel types if mods like that are detected.

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  On 5/14/2016 at 4:40 PM, AdmiralTigerclaw said:

Hey @AlphaAsh, was there ever any form of patching done to allow fuel tanks more diversity of fuels?  Mainly because Real Fuels turns most cases of plain Liquid Fuel, into Kerosene, and there's one instance with Kash Corp vehicles that utilizes Petrol.

If I know what to do, I might be able to whip up a MM patch that adds fuel types if mods like that are detected.


I think the best bet is for me to expose some stuff for MM to act on for this, agreed. I'll see what I can do chap.

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  On 5/14/2016 at 12:29 PM, AlphaAsh said:

Isn't that a windows protected directory? Might be a simple case that the dll is being locked up. I'm struggling to track down your issue, so might be worth a try moving your Steam install out of there.


It is a custom folder, so I do not think so. However for the sake of testing I will move it to my other hard drive. Is stage recovery safe to add mid-save?

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C:\Program Files\ is not a custom folder.

  On 5/15/2016 at 3:14 AM, OddFunction said:

Is stage recovery safe to add mid-save?


I don't know. Probably?

v0.9.6.9_EX now available. See OP for links.


  • This is an experimental version. That means it has new features that aren't necessarily finished. It may also mean bugs.
  • If you don't like experimental features or risk of bugs, then don't update.
  • Fuel Tank instances can now have three new properties: LqFAlt, OxFAlt, MoFAlt.
  • They can be acted on/added in a cfg by MM to provide the name of an alternative resource.
  • Fuel Tanks now have a x25 and x100 transfer rate for quicker refuels.

If you want to have alternative resources you can use MM to add LqFAlt, OxFAlt and/or MoFAlt to the instance of a fuel tank (or do it manually with a text editor). Provide a string that's the name of the alternative resource. There's no validation of it by KK, so check you get it right.


LqFAlt = SquishyJuice

would change LiquidFuel to SquishyJuice for the fuel tank you added this parameter to.

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  On 5/15/2016 at 11:35 AM, AlphaAsh said:

C:\Program Files\ is not a custom folder.

I don't know. Probably?

v0.9.6.9_EX now available. See OP for links.


  • This is an experimental version. That means it has new features that aren't necessarily finished. It may also mean bugs.
  • If you don't like experimental features or risk of bugs, then don't update.
  • Fuel Tank instances can now have three new properties: LqFAlt, OxFAlt, MoFAlt.
  • They can be acted on/added in a cfg by MM to provide the name of an alternative resource.
  • Fuel Tanks now have a x25 and x100 transfer rate for quicker refuels.

If you want to have alternative resources you can use MM to add LqFAlt, OxFAlt and/or MoFAlt to the instance of a fuel tank (or do it manually with a text editor). Provide a string that's the name of the alternative resource. There's no validation of it by KK, so check you get it right.


LqFAlt = SquishyJuice

would change LiquidFuel to SquishyJuice for the fuel tank you added this parameter to.




Now I just need to learn how to make a MM config point to the right place.

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Hey @AlphaAsh, sorry to bother you but I looked everywhere (maybe I overlooked) in this thread but I noticed the launch sites say Country: United Kerbin. Is there a way on how to change the country, I tried looking through the thread and even in-game and through the cfgs, but no answer. Is there on how to change it, or is it hard coded into the plugin?

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Hey guys, I've got a relatively simple Idea that I want to implement and reading through the forum posts I'm starting to get a rough notion of how to do so, but it is sketch

Do you have any links of relevant information so I can firm up the idea.. mainly on actually making the static.. I think I just need to make a model.mu combine with .cfg and throw in the static folder, easier said then do tho :wink:

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  On 5/17/2016 at 10:52 PM, Deimos007 said:

Hey @AlphaAsh, sorry to bother you but I looked everywhere (maybe I overlooked) in this thread but I noticed the launch sites say Country: United Kerbin. Is there a way on how to change the country, I tried looking through the thread and even in-game and through the cfgs, but no answer. Is there on how to change it, or is it hard coded into the plugin?


Feature WIP. United Kerbin is a default until I get the latest Kerbin-Side update out. That should hopefully co-incide with some more work on the feature to allow you to change the nations.

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Is there an easy way to tell which static is breaking my kerbal konstructs install? I can tell it is a static from a null reference exception but I don't see which one it is in my player.log.

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  On 5/19/2016 at 1:00 PM, ErrHeadII said:

Is there an easy way to tell which static is breaking my kerbal konstructs install? I can tell it is a static from a null reference exception but I don't see which one it is in my player.log.


Look in KSP.log. That's more informative.

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  On 5/19/2016 at 2:05 PM, ErrHeadII said:

Thanks, I fixed it. 

Is there an easy way to convert latitude and longitude into radial position? Or is there a way to use lat/long instead?


Reverse the operation to convert radial position to lat and lon is the first thing that came to mind. There's code for that in KK, source available on GitHub.

I don't know what you mean by 'a way to use lat/lon instead '. PQSCities uses radial positions to place statics.


^ Because the forum's merge feature sucks.


Work continues on landing guidance. Or failing to landing guidance.

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  On 5/19/2016 at 2:36 PM, AlphaAsh said:

Reverse the operation to convert radial position to lat and lon is the first thing that came to mind. There's code for that in KK, source available on GitHub.

I don't know what you mean by 'a way to use lat/long instead '. PQSCities uses radial positions to place statics.



Thanks, I just did something equivalent although I used the algorithm from different code (moveksc specifically).

Turns out I didn't even need to as RSS's Cape Canaveral is right where LC-39 is in reality (assuming I did my math right)

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v0.9.7.0 now available. See OP for links.


  • This is an experimental version. That means it has new features that aren't necessarily finished.
  • It may also mean bugs.
  • If you don't like experimental features or risk of bugs, then don't update.
  • Added a new landing guidance feature.
  • Currently only implemented at Round Range and KSC.
  • To activate landing guidance, switch on ATC in the Inflight Base Boss when close to one of the bases.
  • A HowTo for base/static makers for implementing landing guidance will be in this thread soon.
  • Expect more bases with landing guidance when static packs get updated.
  • This is a first go at it, so expect changes and feedback is welcome.

Strictly speaking, this is still an experimental release and the last stable release is still I just forgot to tag it with _EX on SpaceDock.

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How to Setup Landing Guidance at a Base

Landing guidance requires three static instances placed at the end of a runway.

The Center Marker

An instance of an object should be placed close to the end of the runway, hidden just below the runway surface. This instance should be set with a FacilityType of LandingGuide.

The Left Marker

Placed just to the left of the runway boundary, level with the center marker. In this case you can use a static that doesn't need to be hidden, such as some touchdown lights. This instance should be set with a FacilityType of TouchdownGuideL.

The Right Marker

Placed just to the right of the runway boundary, level with the center marker. Best when you use the same static that you used for the left marker. This instance should be set with a FacilityType of TouchdownGuideR.

Other Stuff to Consider

In all cases the origin of the object placed is used for calculating line intersections and so forth. So try to get the origins as level as possible.

There's a limitation of one guidance system per base at the moment. So if your base has multiple runways, or you can land in either direction on a runway, you're stuck choosing one direction for one runway for the moment. It's based on the proximity of the craft to the visibility range of the objects and is not related to groups. So if you have multiple landing guidance in the same visibility bracket the system gets confused and falls over.

It's safest to have your landing guides a good few meters in from the end of the runway, so players don't try landing right on the end of an elevated runway. Also keep in mind the landing guidance system does not take into consideration the length or width of a craft.

Kerbal Konstructs has examples of the needed statics available to use.

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