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Split screen manoeuvre node editor / target intercept view

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In map mode I've recently discovered the ability to see my arrival trajectory relative to my target, this is a great help when trying to ensure that I enter the right prograde, retrograde, or even a vaguely polar orbit as required by a particular contract, saving much fuel and swearing. But sometimes the distances or angles between my manoeuvre node and target are just too great and I end up loosing focus on my manoeuvre node, and then moving it by mistake, or pulling on the wrong vector whilst trying to keep the 'view from target' on screen. Basically I get in a mess.

Once a manoeuvre node has been set and a target selected, it would be great to have the option to have the manoeuvre node on one side of the screen and the target (and my intercept path) on the other. Then I can tweak the manoeuvre node vectors and easily see their impact on my intercept path. Both sides of the screen could have independent zoom controls, and the level of zoom on the manoeuvre node side would determine the scale of adjustments - zoom out for the basic 'rough' setting of the intercept, zoom in to fine tune.

Or does this already exist?


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Or does this already exist?

There are two mods that in effect achieve that: Precise Node and Mechjeb's Maneuver Node Editor give you a small 'window' with buttons to change dV (pro/retro,norm/antinorm,rad/antirad) and the position of the node, while you have the camera focused on the target body. Sure would be handy to have something like that in stock.

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