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KSC Buildings Lock Up / Can't Click on Anything / Firing Kerbal Crashes Game

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You can find your save game under KSP\saves\[name of your save]\persistence.sfs

Although I have not fired or killed any Kerbals, as far as I know, I am experiencing the same symptoms and would like to try the work-around. However, I cannot find the ...\saves... file.

I am running KSP v Beta build 473582 under STEAM using Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (64 bit). I used the built-in Windows search facility as the system administrator to find "KSP\saves" and came up empty. I also manually searched the directory tree and couldn't find it.

Since I am running KSP as a STEAM game, is the save file available to me?

Thank you,

- - - Updated - - -

...Since I am running KSP as a STEAM game, is the save file available to me?...

Thank you,

I didn't realize there were six (6) pages of replies in the thread--found my answer on page 4 and found the save file. Here I go...

My apologies for spinning ya'll up...

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Hello! I've used this thread twice successfully before, but I'm at a bit of a loss this time.

http://imgur.com/0F1JfEV - This is the screen I'm faced with when I load my save, one you're all familiar with, I'm sure. Can't change view, can't click anything, can only exit to main menu, where I can't click any menu items.

Here's my persistent, I've had to use GitHub because the text is too big for Pastebin. https://gist.githubusercontent.com/anonymous/f705bde640238349009b/raw/gistfile1.txt

UPDATE: I started a new Sandbox which ran just fine, closed and deleted it, then the old Sandbox with the bug was working again. No idea what caused this to solve, not looking gift horse in the mouth ;)

Edited by JebSheridan
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Your picture shows a different bug than what this one usually shows. The view you have there used to be a stock bug that has since been fixed. Last I remember, I think there is (was?) a mod out there that was triggering the view that you are showing. See if this thread helps you out: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100722-Game-locks-up-with-odd-view-of-space-centre

Welcome to the forums! :D



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Thanks a lot! Worked like a charm.

You are very welcome. And welcome to the forums! :D

Hi Guys,

This is doing my head in, Could someone please have a look at https://www.dropbox.com/s/u1hosbwa6pxuhoi/persistent.sfs?dl=0

Cheers ! :)

It looks like all your kerbals are there, but you have several Part Test contracts that reference mod parts. Specifically, these two mod parts are showing up in your contracts section: part = NP.newOdinShield & part = NP.OdinOrbMod. Have you removed any mods (or stock parts for that matter) recently? If so, you will also need to clean those contracts out of your save file.

And welcome to the forums to you as well! :D



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It looks like all your kerbals are there, but you have several Part Test contracts that reference mod parts. Specifically, these two mod parts are showing up in your contracts section: part = NP.newOdinShield & part = NP.OdinOrbMod. Have you removed any mods (or stock parts for that matter) recently? If so, you will also need to clean those contracts out of your save file.

And welcome to the forums to you as well! :D



Thanks ! I havent removed any mods or parts so I will delete those contracts and let you know the result, Many thanks again :)

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Hello All,

Thanks for all the hard work on this bug.

I've followed the advice here but am still having the issue if button lockout in certain buildings + cannot select VAB from space centre. If I've understood the issue in this thread it is similar, in that entering the reasearch centre for example, on trying to exit, the contract notification window obstructs the buttons AND the main menu buttons (exit to main menu for instance) no longer function.

I've installed the mod fix for this.

I've looked through my persistent file and have found only the 5 kerbals I employ, plus the applicants (only found in the roster section)

In addition, I have looked through the contracts and completed contracts sections and found contracts for which I have no part listed in those parts available to me currently in the career, and deleted those contracts. I've done my best to examine others problems on this thread, and search for other solutions/bugs that I might be experiencing, but I have no luck finding a solution thus far.

Could I borrow a set of eyes or two to examine my persistent file? (Too big for pastebin, hopefully drop box works)



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I have started and got as far as trying to upgrade the lunch pad.

Any attempt to do so results in not being able to get into the buildings, mostly the vehicle hanger and it them freezes. Mouse still moves but no actual game.

My mates seem not to have this problem. ARGH!!!! How am I going to show them how it's done with this happening????

Any suggestions?

I am using steam if that helps.

Edited by Tim_the_Plumber
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Any suggestions?

I'm sorry, but it's rather unclear to me exactly what problem you're running in to. If you could, please check out this thread. It will explain what information we need and where to find it (such as log files and maybe a picture).

I would also recommend that you post it as a new thread, so that it will get the appropriate attention.



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I'd just like to say thank you for showing me how to fix this bug. After a very long day in the office all I wanted to do was sit down and fire kerbals into the nearest floor... This became impossible after I sacked Lando Kerman for spacewalk ing without prior permission. Instead of firing him into the floor I decided just to simply fire him from the payroll which in turn messed up my persistent save file!

After reading your clear instructions I was able to reinstate Lando and Fire him into the floor.

Thanks again for saving kerbalkind!!

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I'm an idiot with this stuff... Anyone mind giving me a hand?

Save file - https://www.dropbox.com/s/vm0iyduf76bv4ey/persistent.sfs?dl=0

Seem to have fixed it for now by adding a few of the mods I deleted back into the save and deleting all available contracts that used modded parts.

Edited by Mykill Metal
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I think I may have tracked down at least part of the problem: a "ghost contract".

In my current playthrough, I know I've only seen two rescue missions, and I've taken both. Both of those kerbalnauts (Thomkin, Bartdred) are active in my normal flight roster. But a third rescue mission for "Brian" appears in my persistent save... and I've never seen that name pop up in ANY of my playthroughs. I was surprised to see it in use at all.

It's possible that a rescue mission came up, I ignored/didn't notice it, and it expired, however. In either case, the "rescued" kerbal is not showing on the roster. Adding him (as though fired) seems to have fixed things.

Something for the debugging crew to chew on, perhaps.

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Hey Claw, I thought I'd just post something I learned this morning concerning this bug and its brethren - it happens with completed contracts, as is known.

What I didn't know - and what you may want to mention in the OP - is that if it IS because you've uninstalled/updated a mod that's messed around with an agency, all of the contracts of theirs will show up in the mission control as blank squares with nothing but the contract's title. This happened to me this morning and after hours of combing through kerbals looking for who was missing, I by chance noticed the weird blank contract.

Made it really, really easy to search for the contract in the save file so as to delete it, too.

I wonder if something similar happens in the astronaut complex?

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Thank you Claw for all the work.

I really really tried to avoid this bug by going all robotic, but KSP is only half the fun without all those happy faces. So here i am, with a broken save and for the love of Jebediah, i cannot figure out whats wrong with it. If anyone wants to take a look


Btw i installed Claws fix mod. But no luck :(


Looks like i had a "finished rescue" contract that i have never accepted in the first place. Deleting it solved the problem for now.

Edited by itsmagic2009
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Ok... really strange thing. I've been backing up saves when they are "fixed" but they keep breaking after every new save. :(

Could it be the save updater that converts 0.25 save to 0.90 also kicking in at times and changing existing 0.90 saves? KSP seems to be killing off crew, and leaving them as "crew" and that is throwing the game off.




name = Orlo Kerman

type = Crew

brave = 0.7587805

dumb = 0.4570124

badS = True

state = Dead

ToD = 16823830.3245884

idx = 1



flight = 1

0 = Die




flight = 1



Can the quick fix mod automatically correct these if found (change to "assigned" and "0= Recover")?

Edited by Technical Ben
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