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Where I hope to see KSP go from here:

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I'm absolutely loving .90! I started playing around .15 and every update continues to exceed my expectations. So many things that I have thought would make fantastic additions to the game have been added in and I love that Squad seems to think the same way I do :kiss:

I was inspired to throw this out here after sinking untold hours into this latest release. I haven't looked into it, maybe some or all of this is expected, maybe not. Either way the thought that any of it could be in the game one day is exciting.

This thought started when I realized that I don't seem to get anything at all from recovering spent launch stages. Putting parachutes on boosters and following them to the ground for recovery isn't worth my time, and it should be! Even if it isn't much. Going further, I think the game should recognize recovered parts and add them to a "Used Parts" category in the VAB/SPH. These could be reused/refueled for less than a new part. Add to that variables that could affect the condition of the used parts, which would have a failure percent based on your ground crew. Aircraft in particular could have a recovery option to save the entire plane to a Used Craft loading list, or break it up into individual Used Parts for reuse. Now add a new Kerbal Resources building (or expand the Astronaut Complex) where you manage your non-playable ground crews. Engineers can be hired and gain experience similar to your Kerbalnauts, which improve the reliability of Used Parts. Scientists, in the same way, would increase the amount of science you can gather from experiments. They need to lower the Administration perks for science. I got over 10,000 science just for a quick jaunt around Minmus early in the game :rolleyes:

Your ground crew would cost money on a monthly basis, which would make simply time-warping through a trip to another planet much less of a temptation. You would want, and perhaps need, to maintain launches to keep your space program running. KSC buildings could have a monthly upkeep cost based on their upgrade level as well. Adding an alarm clock to the stock game would be necessary, though. Not sure why it hasn't been yet, I assume there's a reason for that. It should be made available at a certain Tracking Station upgrade.

You should also gain Reputation for recovering, maybe even a bonus for using, Used Parts (keep those tree-hugger Kerbals happy!) Leaving debris in orbit could cause a compounding Reputation penalty for new missions. Reputation could also play a part in your ground crew stats and cost. Maybe having high Rep would see more Kerbals wanting to work for you at a lower price and allow them to improve faster because they are happy. Angry Kerbals are probably like humans and don't get much done, leading to more problems with Used Parts.

I don't know about the logistics of this actually happening, but the way I'm experiencing this expanded career mode it seems like a logical direction to go. I'm finding it to be a little too easy, though still incredibly fun, being a seasoned player. Adding more depth to the economic aspect would go a LONG way to making the game even more addicting than it already is. Of course, this would just be a difficulty option so everyone can still enjoy the game the way they want, as it is now.

Anyway, discuss if you wish. I just got really excited thinking about it and wanted to share. Happy Launching! :D

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