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Rate The Spaceship Above You

Engineer of Stuff

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I'm digging the classic simple look there. Looks solid and reliable. But the fairings being made of wing segments make it look a bit too chunky.

The following of course is anything BUT simple...

My "Skytrain" transport. Loaded up with 3 Spaceplanes, 3 Greenhouses, and enough TAC life support re-supplies to keep the Jool exploration mission going. Sent off via autopilot but can be manned. The album shows the entire launch and orbital assembly process. The front truss section with Greenhouses was launched in one unit, Followed by the rear drive section/cargo bay. The two halves were docked together and then the Kerbals who flew up the Spaceplanes to dock with it reinforced it with KAS Struts.

No hyperedit on this one, it was all done legit! :D

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And here's the ship on it's way out of the Kerbin system on its way to Jool.


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I think it got missed somehow Zeke. I got it now.

10/10 Probably in Synchronous orbit XD


I'm not exactly sure how the above is supposed to work. Looks like there's plenty of fuel tankage for a small craft. I can't see the engines, so it's hard to tell, but it looks like you might have jets on the pods. Or aerospikes. The bottom is a large docking port so there can't be an engine there.

Oh I think I get it. Top stage of a two stage lander, and you've reversed the usual order of command pod and tanks and have the command pod sitting low so that when the whole craft is together it sits at the center of gravity more or less. Am I right?

In that case - 9/10 for original spin on an old idea. -1 point for lack of clarity in the picture.

Oh - and 10/10 for that amazing shuttle! :D

How's this then?

My take on Thunderbird 1.



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