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[GAME!] Describe the person above you in one sentence


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The above person is someone whom I presume has the 'caring' trait, otherwise he would not have cared to post at all, leaving a blank void for the rest of eternity which no one will step forward to close, unless of course someone does step up to close, in which case the closer will leave an even larger void when he/she finishes closing and leaves to close yet another void, creating more, essentially dooming us all to an endless amount of voids, all of them going on for eternity without someone to close them, yet those closers are also the ones creating more voids, starting the cycle yet again, meaning that the entire planet will one day be consumed in a large void of nothingness unbeatable by those upon whom we have relied to close our gaps, yet they no longer can due to the sheer enormity of the voids which they must clear, and now I come to the realization that my post has probably exceeded the character count, as such I should stop typing, yet I cannot, but I must.

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