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[Discussion] Which input device(s) do you use?


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What it says on the tin. What do you people use to play? Gamepad, joystick, keyboard? Maybe a custom rig (pics in that case)? I personally use the keyboard, and was considering getting a joystick. Comparisons between different devices are more than welcome!

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I used to use my wired 360 controller, and it worked amazingly well. Although I needed to use some joystick virtualization software to get it to work reliably with the Unity engine. If only the joystick switches didn't wear out so quick...

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I have more precision with mouse/keyboard than anything else, so 99% of the time, I stay with the basics.

If I want a little more fun, I fly planes with my joystick.

If I want even more fun, I drive rovers with my racing wheel. (Yes it works, yes it's awesome :D )

Edited by Slam_Jones
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Keyboard, mouse, 3D mouse. 3D mouse camera support in the editor is sadly broken, but in flight it is love. Cool for RCS translation and EVA control, too.

Eh? Broken? since when? Have not played the beta yet, did something change?

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Standard keyboard and mouse for rockets

For airplanes I use a gamepad, the Logitech F710 (looks like a DualShock)

Roll/Pitch: Left analog stick

Yaw: Analog triggers

Camera: Right analog stick

Throttle up/down: Y and A (or triangle and X)

Cut throttle: X (square)

Brakes: B (circle)

Stage: Right bumper

SAS toggle: Left bumper

Map: Start

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- - - Updated - - -

I use this for all takeoffs and flight control. Use the mouse and keyboard for everything else.

Thrustmaster 2960703 T-Flight Hotas X Flight Stick for $55 and free shipping from of Amazon you cant go wrong. 12 buttons you can program and 5 Axles.


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