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mouse sensitivity - fix needed

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Hey there,

I am playing on 64bit linux Mint.

have the following mods installed:


everything works like a charm EXCEPT:

the mouse sensitivity is goind badass everytime i restart the game.

I read about deleting the settings.cfg, but readjusting the resolution and such after every restart

is not a solution I am happy with. is there anything else I ca do ?

thx in advance

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Are you using KSP.x86_64 ? I think you are, then you need to know that the LC_ALL=C fix for non-English languages failed to be applied to the x64 binary build.

You'll need to delete settings.cfg again and start KSP from the terminal with "LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64"

Or if using Steam, "LC_ALL=C %command%_64" in the start options.

Or make a text file in the KSP folder containing:


LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64

And make that executable.

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Are you using KSP.x86_64 ? I think you are, then you need to know that the LC_ALL=C fix for non-English languages failed to be applied to the x64 binary build.

You'll need to delete settings.cfg again and start KSP from the terminal with "LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64"

Or if using Steam, "LC_ALL=C %command%_64" in the start options.

Or make a text file in the KSP folder containing:

And make that executable.

ok did it. so far so good. will see if it still works tomorrow :-)

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As long as you don't accidentally start KSP.x86_64 without LC_ALL=C you'll be fine, the problem is that some system languages use . and , differently to English, which Unity expects by default.

The C in LC_ALL=C is for Posix, which works and all Linux distros have as it's in the kernel :)

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