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Fix the rover seat bug.

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For several versions, when a Kerbal is hit hard enough in a command seat, they will become unresponsive ragdolls, and sometimes even stand up and dance in their seats, trying to walk. Other times they will be knocked clear of the seat entirely, and be reclassified as debris which can not be controlled at all. This is usually no big deal if you're on Kerbin, because recovering the vessel will give you back the Kerbal as a proper Kerbanaut. Problem is when you're on an alien planet. I once sent a claw ship out to Duna to ferry a broken Kerbal "debris" back to Kerbin.

I believe it started in the update that made Kerbals you're not controlling stand up after ragdolling. 0.21 I believe.

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Every bug report is essentially a suggestion that the bug be fixed. Since this is a known bug, let's please not add to forum load by bringing it up all over again in an additional sub-forum. This thread will be closed now.

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