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Possible 64 Bit Fix?

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So, again, laptop breaks. My dog got tangled in the charger and got scared, and she ran and flung the laptop across the room. I went to Best Buy to get a new one, and I decided to talk to the head of the Geek Squad (group of people at our best buy who help with technology issues as their job.) I asked him why some games that run on Unity have horrible stability on their 64 bit versions. I also told him that Linux seems to work fine with both 32 bit and 64 bit.

He says a possibility is that whoever made the coding may have coded the linux 64 bit correctly, but not for the windows/mac 64 bit version.

Perhaps squad or the makers of the Unity engine could take a look at the Linux 64 bit code, then look at the windows or mac 64 bit code. Maybe there is something missing?

I know it may be a long process, but it's worth a shot?

Let me know what you think!

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OK, I'll restrain myself from making a sarcastic comment.

The Unity dev are aware of that. They are so aware of it that it seems they fixed it in Unity 5. Now we have to wait for Unity 5 for be officially released, then for KSP to move to U5 and then we may hopefully get a fully working Windows 64bit version.

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OK, I'll restrain myself from making a sarcastic comment.

The Unity dev are aware of that. They are so aware of it that it seems they fixed it in Unity 5. Now we have to wait for Unity 5 for be officially released, then for KSP to move to U5 and then we may hopefully get a fully working Windows 64bit version.

Well that's great news!

Speaking of 64 bit, how would it benefit running KSP 64 bit? What would the differences be? More memory?

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Hiya Michael,

First, I feel you regarding KSP and 64-bit. Second, you asking other computer techs about possible solutions or ideas just shows just how much KSP has gotten to you. Addiction/obsession can be a wonderful thing...in moderation. :D

Now about their ideas, both Squad and the Unity developers have been trying to figure out a solution for sometime now. They are coders by profession and I'm sure have considered why it works for one OS and not another. We just have to be patience. Eventually we'll get a 64-bit KSP.

Fly straight and true.

EDIT: @Michaelsteele3: Yes, more memory. Alows you to go over 3.5 gb in 32-bit. I'm currently at 10gb in 64-bit opengl, but I only play Sandbox in .90 Beta.

Edited by Voidryder
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as most of their bugfixes depends on the new physix (fully 64bit and multithreaded) my guess is that we will see it very soon after the unity release. when will unity lift the beta? good question. probably when they feel nobody else wanna pay for the early access anymore :) its a business

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? There is no early access. You buy a unity license for 4.x and you get U5, and it has been that way since U5 announcement.

They'll release once it's ready. U5 include some rather large change from some platform (they while IL2CPP stuff) so I m not surprised it takes time.

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For what it's worth, GeekSquad are hardware people (I chose to refrain from using the term "experts", but that's a story for another "I hate Best Buy" time), the point is they know little to nothing about software development and as usual the guy was probably blowing smoke somewhere. Squad knows what they are doing, and if they could fix it I'm certain they would have.

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? There is no early access. You buy a unity license for 4.x and you get U5, and it has been that way since U5 announcement.

They'll release once it's ready. U5 include some rather large change from some platform (they while IL2CPP stuff) so I m not surprised it takes time.

there isnt? hmmm. and u get u5 if you buy 4x? hmmm. i thought upgrade price is $750 so u dont just get it and you can preorder u5 so u get the beta now and the full on release. they do it because a lot of geeks go to "preorder" so they can be in advantage in front of those still using u4. once the number of these early birds is down they will release the same beta renamed to full build



Unity Pro 4.xUnity Pro 5.x$750

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This thread has really derailed.

What more did you want from it? The question was an over generalization to begin with.

Did they code Linux right and not Windows or Mac? No. That isn't how it works. For the most part, it's the same code, which is why they use Unity. Unity is the engine, there are Unity versions for each platform and most of KSP is common code between the 3 platforms. Unity is a sort of "translator". I'm certain there are exceptions to that in each version for each platform but for the most part the code is universal and the difference is how they are finally compiled and what libraries they get bundled with from Unity.

So, if something is wrong, it's in Unity. Squad has about as much influence with Unity as you do with KSP. They are a customer and they can make suggestions, but at the end of the day, they can't make them fix it.

Edited by Alshain
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