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Help Making my First Part

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I have recently started fiddling with KSP and looking inside the great mods that are available for us. I've made a texture change or two, and have tweaked some mods to my specific needs.

I'd like to take the next step and learn about parts, by stripping one part from a mod and putting it into KSP as a standalone part mod. Obviously I'm not going to release someone elses work and such, this is purely for personal understanding of the files and how things work. Particularly the concept of modules and module manager etc. I enjoy reverse engineering to try and sort out stuff own my own.

There have been so many versions of KSP, with so many changes, its hard to find and a-z tutorial thats updated, you know?

Anyway, the part in question is the Magnotometer from Interstellar. I would like to be able to recreate it so it works as it does in Interstellar but instead as simply a standalone part.

Taking the specific part folder out of Interstellar, and plopping it in a proper mod directory structure sort of works-ish. I can get the part to show up ingame, with its name displayed, but there is no right click menu to extend or take a reading even in the VAB/SPH, and the action groups only show "log data" and "delete data" as options (however they don't do anything when triggered on the launchpad). The part shows up fine though, properly textured as well.

So it looks like I am missing some key elements to get this thing functioning. Could someone with some knowledge in the area point me in the direction to start perhaps? A hint, some tips?

Eventually I would like to snazz this thing up with a tweakscale entry as well, but thats for later I think. ;)

Any info would be greatly appreciated!

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Sorry to say, but you're in the wrong sub-forum (i.e. plugin development). A plugin is written in the programming language C# and compiled as a .dll file which is then later included with a release and most commonly placed in GameData/<someAddonNameHere>/Plugins

That being said, the reason it's not working for you most likely is that the Magnotometer is trying to use a partmodule from interstellar (which is compiled within the .dll file bundled with interstellar). You could edit the config file of the Magnotometer to use the stock science partmodule (look at the config of the stock science instruments) and then write up your own science experiment definition in a seperate config file.

Take a look at some other mods that add science experiments and whatever guides are available.

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