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[v0.19] Damned Robotics Version 1.3


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Hi all,

I couldn't find this easily -- stumbled across it by accident -- so assume others are having the same problem. Here are the files for a DR that works with 0.20.1:

(redacted -- see below)



Edited by codepants
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Hi all,

I couldn't find this easily -- stumbled across it by accident -- so assume others are having the same problem. Here are the files for a DR that works with 0.20.1:




Please remove that link as it is violation of the original creators license. Please use this one instead.


Edited by sirkut
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Done. Not my intent to violate any licenses. Sorry, I did not see the link on that page for the robotics part -- thought it was only a post for the washers.

No problem man. I figured I'd just mention it so DYJ wouldn't have to. Btw thanks for removing the link!

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Adding the version for 0.20 makes my action groups containing solar panels trigger when separating stages.... very weird and annoying bug that annihilates any extending solar devices on liftoff

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No problem man. I figured I'd just mention it so DYJ wouldn't have to. Btw thanks for removing the link!

Make sure that you remove that link as well, as it is now YOU that is violating that license.

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He was actually correct. When I quoted coolpantskyle it had the non approved link. At any rate if there's any confusion I have permission from DYJ with creating a fork of DR which is now called Infernal Robotics. Link is in the DYJ original post.

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I'll admit I was unaware Sirkut has permission to update this mod.

I mean, I was aware of Infernal Robotics, but I didn't make the connection with Sirkut.

Also, "grammar fail"? As far as I can tell, my grammar is okay in the sentence.

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I'll admit I was unaware Sirkut has permission to update this mod.

I mean, I was aware of Infernal Robotics, but I didn't make the connection with Sirkut.

Everyone has permission. You have permission. mumech.dll (the bones of Damned Robotics and Infernal Robotics) is GPL.

Also, "grammar fail"? As far as I can tell, my grammar is okay in the sentence.

It's ok, it's just noticeably Dutch ;)

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So I Am a bit confused now...

Which modes should I download to get this stuff bending and moving for 0.20.2 release?

DamnedRobotics_1.3 + Magic Smoke Industries + Damned Robotics MOdular MANipulator??

If anyone could clarify It for me:D


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So I Am a bit confused now...

Which modes should I download to get this stuff bending and moving for 0.20.2 release?

DamnedRobotics_1.3 + Magic Smoke Industries + Damned Robotics MOdular MANipulator??

If anyone could clarify It for me:D


You don't want to use Damned Robotics, as it is outdated. Use Infernal Robotics, which is available somewhere on the Magic Smoke Industries thread.

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I don't think I installed this correctly...

Let's see: I downloaded Damned Robotics, put all the parts in the Parts folder, but did not include the MuMechLib.dll as sirkut said.

Then, downloaded his Magic Smoke Industries' Docking washers, added the parts and the InfernalRobotics.dll.

So far so good, but when I enter VAB, and look for the parts, I don't see anything but two truss under Structure tab, I don't see or find anything else. Where are they? Did I screw up something?

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I don't think I installed this correctly...

Let's see: I downloaded Damned Robotics, put all the parts in the Parts folder, but did not include the MuMechLib.dll as sirkut said.

Then, downloaded his Magic Smoke Industries' Docking washers, added the parts and the InfernalRobotics.dll.

So far so good, but when I enter VAB, and look for the parts, I don't see anything but two truss under Structure tab, I don't see or find anything else. Where are they? Did I screw up something?

Tell us where you put the files on your computer.

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I moved around some files trying to get this working, so I don't have the files like I said in the previous folder.

The current file structure is as follows:

GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Parts ->

  • dockingwasher_free
  • dockingwasher_jr
  • dockingwasher_sr
  • dockingwasher_std
  • DRarmtruss1
  • DRarmtruss2
  • DRclaw
  • DRcylinder1
  • DRdoorhinge
  • DRhinge1
  • DRrotatron

GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Plugin ->

  • InfernalRobotics.dll

I did that based on a random YouTube comment, but it didn't work.

Previously I had it like this:

GameData\DamnedRobotics\Parts ->

  • DRarmtruss1
  • DRarmtruss2
  • DRclaw
  • DRcylinder1
  • DRdoorhinge
  • DRhinge1
  • DRrotatron

GameData\DamnedRobotics\Plugin ->

  • InfernalRobotics.dll

GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Parts ->

  • dockingwasher_free
  • dockingwasher_jr
  • dockingwasher_sr
  • dockingwasher_std

GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Plugin ->

  • InfernalRobotics.dll

And it didn't do much good. What am I missing? D:

Thanks for the help.

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Maybe the Damned Robotics parts are looking specifically for a plugin file called MuMechLib.dll?

If you've moved the files to the Infernal Robotics directory, which is 0.20+ structured, you'd need to add the part{/} to the 0.19 style part.cfg files?

[Edit] the DR v1.3 files don't seem to be calling a specifically named plugin, but they do seem to be missing the "part {" and the start and "}" at the end which 0.20 requires for non-legacy part.cfg files, I'll test that shortly

Edited by NoMrBond
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No, the parts can't be looking for a specific .dll. Your problem is different, the folder with the plugin needs to be named "plugins​".

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Maybe the Damned Robotics parts are looking specifically for a plugin file called MuMechLib.dll?

If you've moved the files to the Infernal Robotics directory, which is 0.20+ structured, you'd need to add the part{/} to the 0.19 style part.cfg files?

[Edit] the DR v1.3 files don't seem to be calling a specifically named plugin, but they do seem to be missing the "part {" and the start and "}" at the end which 0.20 requires for non-legacy part.cfg files, I'll test that shortly

I didn't use MuMech.dll because this post said so, or did I misunderstand?

No, the parts can't be looking for a specific .dll. Your problem is different, the folder with the plugin needs to be named "plugins​".

Ok, I had that error, but now that I fixed it, the DR parts aren't showing in the VAB, only the docking washers.

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Howdy there, mod looks great, but im having some compatibility issues for 0.20, this mod clashes with mech-jeb and causes some issues with parts displaying in game, i realy hope i can cat som assist with this, as i would love to be able to use your mod because it would go so nicely with some of my ships

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Howdy there, mod looks great, but im having some compatibility issues for 0.20, this mod clashes with mech-jeb and causes some issues with parts displaying in game, i realy hope i can cat som assist with this, as i would love to be able to use your mod because it would go so nicely with some of my ships

You should use the plugin from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37707-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Parts

I use this and wrapped the parts for .20 capability

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