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Build a new surface outpost on Minmus contract. Bugged requirement?

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Everything activates except "The outpost must be on wheels". Do small gear bays not count as wheels? If they don't, why is it giving me a contract that is impossible for me to finish due to lack of parts, as Landing is the only wheel science I have at this point.

Verified that rover wheels work, now to send another outpost over to Minmus.

Note: The requirement is "on wheels" not "has wheels", it's impossible to satisfy in the hanger (and would have been near impossible to test on the launch pad without stripping out the lift stage).

Edited by GryMor
Clarification and further testing
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No, small gear bays do not count as wheels. You need to use rover wheels.

When you're doing contracts like this make sure you look at the conditions on the launchpad. It evaluates your mission from the get-go, so if the "must have wheels" line isn't checked then you're not going to be able to complete the contract with this craft and there's no point in launching.

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If they don't, why is it giving me a contract that is impossible for me to finish due to lack of parts, as Landing is the only wheel science I have at this point.

You might want to post this issue under the support section, tis entirely possible the devs haven't realised it's doing this :)

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It's also possible to check if a vehicle satisfies the requirements before sending it to the launchpad; inside the VAB/SPH you can bring up the contract list in the bottom-right.

I've not had any wheeled base requests yet - did you have any contracts to test rover wheels that might have triggered them? It is possible it's a bug an oversight, similar to the one where launch clamps enable satellite contracts even if you have no solar panels yet.

Edited by ElWanderer
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Looks like they wanted the contracts to work independently from the tech tree and also also mod parts, so they set up the system to not look at researched tech nodes or specific parts available, but instead to check whether parts having certain modules in them are available.

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If you've got the Kerbal Attachment System mod you could just land a craft near your base and attach it with KAS pipes or a winch. That should allow your contract to complete.

Or even just use KAS to attach a single rover wheel. Chances are that your contract only needs wheels present not the ability to actually move the base.

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Those ones have a long expiration date. Depending on how many active contracts you have available to you, you could take it and:

1. Wait till you get rover wheels later. Either launch a ship then, or KAS a single rover wheel to the side on a revisit.

2. Hope you get an experimental rover wheels contract, then use it on a ship to the Mun. Whamo.

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