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How do you Name your Vessels/missions?


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I sometimes come up with cool names for my ships, but other than that I smash the keyboard until something neat pops up that fits the theme of what I'm building or something that's almost neat pops up which I refine into something awesome which also relates to what's being named.

Ex: *finishes building Russian-esque ship* Whelp, time to name this.

*smashes keyboard* "sdkj" Nope.

*smashes keyboard again* "kpoeiyr" Ooh, this is cool.

*some refining later* Kpoyir I ready to launch!

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I usually start with my "company" name, Slab-Boing - Slabbington children's fireworks toys Inc. and Boeing(without copyright infringement ._.) *Boing Aerospace Co. and then either do a full name or abbreviation for it's function with a mission number and variant letter:

Slab-Boing EAR-1a

Extra-Atmospheric Rocket Mission 1 Version a

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My first space station was named Irfrit I, after the Final Fantasy summon. And I apparently spelled it wrong ( http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Ifrit ).... Anyway, the heavy lift launcher I designed for it ended up being "Demon I". A second one capable of heavier payloads was "Demon II". and I think I have a candidate for "Demon III". Came up with a brand new rocket I think I'm going to dub the Shiva series. and yes I am a Final Fantasy fan. Never really thought of using character names though...

Quina I - A rocket that eats large amounts of fuel but never gets into orbit because of it (all that character thinks about is food)...lol

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I have a system.

  • Rocket: Z-(# of parts) (Lifter (Which is Greek Alphabet)-(Lander (Which is English Alphabet),(if applicable)) ex. Z-34 Gamma-D

  • Spaceplane: Name is that of bird. Depends on size. ex. small plane would be "Mosquito" or "Hummingbird." Large plane would be "Pelican." etc.

  • Space Station: Space Station (Greek Letter) ex. Space Station Upsilon

I'm a nerd, ok?

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I could have sworn we already had a thread like this before.

The current version of my convention is this:

<class><tech level> <description> <roman numerals: version>

Classes include P for probes (CS for comm sats if so modded), R for manned rockets, T for a template (which becomes a subassembly (uncommon)), S for a station, with a 'B' modifier for a ground base (SB).

Tech level is the level I build it at, using '1' for the 'start' node.

The description is usually fairly obvious, like "MunLandR" (reusable munlander) "MunLandX" (non-reusable), "DunaStat" (gets renamed "Duna 1" when in orbit).

Multiple iterations of the same vehicle have II, III, IV, etc added as a version number. Nowadays, the version number updates even if the vehicle's tech level increases (was not the case historically).

R7 MunLandX IV - Fourth one-shot mun lander, tier 7 technology, manned

P5 KerbOrbSci II - Second Kerbin orbital probe for (ab)use with the science from orbit of Kerbin contract

S8 JoolStat - first version of the Jool orbital manned station.

(really minor tweaks to a given craft may not merit a full version increase, and thus things like 'Ia' or 'IIb' appear)

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I make things up and convince myself it's from kerbal mythology.

Delrey was the name of my first mun program.

I did name my standard crew/utility capsule/service module Hiller after Will Smith's character in Independence Day. It was on.

Edited by Delrey
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